Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sukra Rahasya By Sukracharya - Part 6

Chapter 6
Enemies(Shatru Bhava)- Sixth House

Bhava Karakatwa
  • Enemies, thieves, wounds/cuts, reverses, sorrow, belly, sweet and other tastes, diseases, pickles - have to be determined from the 6th house.

  • Sun will cause wounds on hand; Moon on face; Mars on ears; Mercury in parts below the navel; Jupiter will cause freedom from diseases; Venus will cause disease/trouble in eye; Saturncauses rheumatic complaints; Rahu/Ketu cause stomach disorders.
          If Asdt happens to be Gemini/Virgo, and if Moon aspects or is conjunct Mercury, in such AsdtGuhya Roga (diseases in private parts) will result.
  • if a malefic stands in the Asdt with the lord of 8th, the native will suffer through wounds/ulcer; if the said conjunction takes place in the 5th, the native's children or father will suffer from such wounds; if in 4th, native's mother; in 7th - wife; in the 3rd - brothers; in 9th - maternal uncle; and in the 11th - elder brother; in 8th - various troubles to native himself.
  • In the Major Period and sub-periods of the planets posited in the 6th, lord of 6th and planets aspecting 6th, there will be diseases, sorrow and impediments or obstacles.

The native will face threats to life through causes mentioned below :-
  • if lords of Asdt, 6th 8th combine with SUN              through severe fever
  •                                                             MOON                       water
  •                                                             MARS                        wounds/implements
  •                                                             MERCURY                 ????
  •                                                             JUPITER                    excess of bile
  •                                                             VENUS                      wife
  •                                                             SATURN                    prostitutes/venereal
  •                                                              Rahu/Ketu                lethargy/inaction

  • A malefic in 6th indicates that the native will be suffering from enemies in addition to wounds on his body. Benefic in same house indicates defeat of enemies and no wounds.
  • Lord of 6th, planets posited in 6th, Karaka for 6th, and planets aspecting 6th, debilitation, combustion or retrogression of these planets indicates increase of enemies or troubles therefrom and wounds on body.

  • Sun in 6th indicates enemies, impediments and troubles.
  • Moon                                                                           to mother.
  • Mars                                                                            to brother
  • Mercury                                                                       to maternal uncle.
  • Jupiter                                                                         to children
  • Venus                                                                          to wife
  • Saturn                                                                         to servants 

  • if lords of 11th and 6th exchange houses, there will be financial losses through questionable expenses like gambling etc in the 31st/48th year.

  • if Rahu, Moon and Saturn are posited in 6th and lord of Asdt in 12th, the native will suffer from T.B. in his 26th year.

  • if lords of 6th and 12th exchange houses, the native will suffer from Gulma (severe stomach pains) in his 3rd/12th year.

  • if Moon and Ketu stay in 6th, Rakta Kooshta (bloody leprosy) will result in his 55th year.
  • if lord of Asdt and Mercury combine with Karaka for 6th, the native will suffer from Rakta Kooshta (bloody leprosy) on head or neck.

  • Rahu in 6th with Saturn in 6th therefrom (viz. 11th), the native will suffer from paralysis in his 3rd year.

  • Saturn in 8th and Mars in 8th/12th, the native will suffer from Pipasa (diseases in which the native suffers from severe thirst) in 15th/35th year.

Meha Roga
  • lord of 8th conjunct Rahu and he dispositor thereof in 8th or 9th, the native will suffer from Grandhi & other kinds of Meha Roga (diseases produced as a result of excessive heat) in his 12th/18th year.

Dog Bite
  • if lord of Asdt is in 6th and lord of 6th in 6th, the native will suffer from dog-bite in his 10th/19th year.

Fear from Animals
  • lord of 8 in 6th and lord of 12 in Asdt, both these occurring simultaneously, with Moon in 6th or 8th, there will be fear from animals in 8th year.

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