Sunday, November 18, 2012

Brighu Sutra - Part 1

Assessment of Strength of Planets


Aspects 7th House Only

SUN is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • 100% benefic (equivalent to Jupiter) if occupying Sagittarius.
  • FULL benefic if owning trines [1, 5, 9]

SUN is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • SUN is a 50% natural malefic
  • Malefic when owning 3,6,8, 11 and 12th houses in a horoscope.
  • Malefic results will be bestowed by SUN when occupying quadrants [1,4,7,10] and trines [1, 5, 9].


Aspects 7th House Only

MOON is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • when MOON is weak, it's only 25% benefic.
  • Full MOON is 100% benefic comparable to Jupiter.
  • When possessing 75% of rays (assuming 100% for Full Moon), it is considered 75% benefic equal to Venus,
  • When Moon is between New Moon and Full Moon OR Full Moon and New Moon, it is considered 50% benefic.
  • When Moon is aspected by Jupiter (irrespective of the rays possessed by Moon), it is considered 100% benefic.
  • Even when weak Moon is aspected by both Saturn & Jupiter, it is considered 100% benefic equivalent to Jupiter.
          However malefic a Moon may be, Jupiter's aspect on Moon is enough to make it a benefic.
  • When Full Moon occupies  Sagittarius or Pisces, it is considered 100% benefic, equivalent to Jupiter.
  • Moon is full benefic when owning trines.
  • Benefic effects will be conferred by Moon, if as a benefic, it stays in quadrants/trines.

MOON is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • Weak Moon is considered 75% malefic.
  • Malefic effects will be conferred by Moon if as a malefic, it stays in quadrants/trines.
  • When debilitated (irrespective of the number of rays, even when nearing Full Moon or a Full Moon), and also when combust,
          MOON is considered 100% malefic comparable to Saturn.
  • MOON becomes a full malefic when aspected by Saturn.
  • Even when occupying Cancer, if conjunct or aspected by malefic, it is considered a full malefic.
  • MOON becomes a malefic when owning 3, 6, 8, 11 & 12th houses.


Aspects 7th House
Special Aspects : 4th House & 8th House
4th House Aspect is the strongest

MARS is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • When occupying Ascendant and/or owning quadrants/trines.

MARS is considered a malefic under the following circumstances:

  • It is considered to be a 75% natural malefic.
  • When owning  3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
  • When staying in quadrants/trines.


Aspects 7th House Only

MERCURY is considered a benefic under the following circumstances:

  • It is considered to be a 50% natural benefic.
  • 100% benefic (equivalent to Jupiter) when conjunct weak Moon (Full Moon also).
  • When owning trines.
  • Benefic effects will be conferred by Mercury when as a benefic, it occupies quadrants or owns Ascendant & 10th house simultaneously.

MERCURY is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • Considered 75% malefics when conjunct malefics.
  • Even while staying in Gemini/Virgo, if it is conjunct/aspected by malefics, it is considered malefic.
  • 75% malefic when owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses. 


Aspects 7th House
Special Aspect : 5th House & 9th House
5th House Aspect is the strongest

JUPITER is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • It is considered to be the highest of all benefics or a 100% natural benefic.
  • When owning trines (1, 5, 9)
  • When occupying quadrants OR owning Ascendant & 10th house simultaneously.

JUPITER is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • When owning quadrants OR 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
  • When occupying 6, 8 or 12th houses.


Aspects 7th House Only

VENUS is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • It is a 75% natural benefic.
  • 100% benefic when conjunct weak Moon (Full Moon also).
  • When owning trines (1, 5, 9).
  • Confers benefic effects when occupying quadrants (1, 4, 7, 10) OR owns Ascendant.

VENUS is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

When owning quadrants or 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.


Aspects 7th House
Special Aspects : 3rd House & 10th House
3rd House Aspect is the strongest

SATURN is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • When owning quadrants/trines.

SATURN is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • Total or 100% natural malefic.
  • When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
  • Malefic effects will be conferred if staying in quadrants.


Aspects 7th House Only

RAHU is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • When owning quadrants/trines.
  • When staying in Capricorn (equivalent to Jupiter).

RAHU is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • Total or 100% natural malefic.
  • When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
  • Malefic effects will be conferred if staying in quadrants/trines.


Aspects 7th House Only

KETU is considered a benefic under the following circumstances :

  • When owning quadrants/trines.

KETU is considered a malefic under the following circumstances :

  • Total or 100% natural malefic
  • When owning 3, 6, 8, 11 or 12th houses.
  • When occupying quadrants/trines.

Malefics acquire benefic qualities or power to confer benefic effects by reason of their stay in Ascendant or lordship over the Ascendant or

Benefics in quadrants give benefic results; malefics in quadrants give malefic results.

Benefics when they own Ascendant & 10th house simultaneously, becomes all the more benefic.

Malefics staying in 5 and 9 result in greater adversities for the native.

On Aspects

Planet being aspected by Moon is already receiving the aspect of Jupiter, is also capable of confering auspicious results.

e.g. assume Jupiter in Pisces, weak Moon in Cancer and any planet in Capricorn. The planet in Capricorn receiving Moon's aspect
       will be capable of conferring auspicious results.

Very strong or exalted planet in opposition to equally very strong or exalted planet become ineffective.
e.g. Exalted Sun in Aries and exalted Saturn in Libra. Both become ineffective.

Malefics standing in 10th (without any conjunction/aspect of benefics), will confer servitude. If 3 similar malefics stand in the 10th,
the native will be serving servants.

On Major Periods

  • When the Major Period of Saturn, who is occupying Ascendant, operates, the native will be faced with servitude. If such Saturn is conjunct with other malefics, figuratively speaking, the native will not even get alms.

  • There will be financial gains in Major Period of malefic standing in 5th house, if such a malefic is aspected by another malefic friendly to the

  • Highly auspicious results will occur in Major Periods of planets in own house, if aspected by another planet which is also in own house.
          Likewise, in the Major Period of a planet in friendly house, if aspected by a planet which is also in a friendly house,  auspicious results.
          So also in the Major Period of a planet enjoying own navamsa, if aspected by another planet enjoying own navamsa, auspicious results.
          In other words, the Major Periods of planets, being aspected by planets of identical strength, will produce very good results.

  • The Major Period of the planet in conjunction with Rahu, however good it may be from other points of view, will be equal to that
          of a Major Period of malefic.

  • The effects of the Major Period of a planet in retrogression will be of a moderate order.

  • If SUN is standing in 5, 7 or 9, the native will go on a pilgrimage and will enjoy an elevated position professionally in the Major Period of SUN.

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