Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nature Of Houses

As we know, there are twelve houses in the horoscope, each house representing certain signification'sand characteristics. A natural horoscope begins with the ascendant Aries in the first house which is why Aries is given the number one symbol in the horoscope followed by Taurus as number two, Gemini as three, and so forth.

Each house has its own characteristics that are similar to the sign and planet that rules the sign, based on the natural horoscope. For instance Aries represents the first house as sign number one in the natural horoscope. Mars rules the sign Aries and if one takes the signification's for Mars, the sign Aries and the first house, you would come up very similar characteristics. For a person's body parts, the first house represents the head, the same for Mars and the sign Aries.

The natural second house is ruled by Taurus, which is in turn ruled by the planet Venus. The body parts of the second house are the throat, neck and mouth. Taurus rules the neck and throat and Venus is connected also to the neck, throat and voice.

There are certain houses that are strong and benefic for planets to be positioned in, as well as houses that weaken a planet and are malefic for planets to be deposited in.

Kendra Houses:
These houses are very strong and give exceptional benefic qualities to the planets that are placed in them. These are houses 1, 4, 7, and 10. They are also known as the angular house in the chart.

Trikona Houses
These houses are almost as strong as the kendra houses, but are given the role of secondary benefic and are houses 1, 5, and 9. They are also known as trine houses and benefic planets that are deposited in them produce great results. Notice must be given to the fact that the first house is called a Kendra and Trine house. It is one reason for the great importance bestowed on the ascendant or first house in a chart.

Dusthana Houses
These houses represent the 6, 8th, and 12th in the chart and are the malefic houses. Any benefic planet that is placed in the dusthana houses will become weak and bring about difficulties to that planet.

Neutral Houses
These are the 2nd, 3rd and 11th houses and with benefics placed in them will bring about good results. These houses are considered to bestow neutral results based on the Systems Approach.

In North Indian Style -

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