If Sun, Moon, 10th lord or Jupiter occupies a Kendra, then prospects for getting employment in the government are bright. When the 6th lord, Mars, Saturn and Rahu relate favourably to the 10th house, one can look forward to getting employed in Police / Defence services.
With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the fields of Electronics, IT and Tele-communications, a wide-ranging array of career options are becoming available to the present-day job-seekers, either in the government or in the private sectors. To determine the exact nature of the employment of a native, one has to properly interpret the combination of planets, applying the basic principles of Astrology. Holding a government job is still thought to be prestigious. How are your prospects? Planetary indications for government jobs:
Government job with moderate status and salary.
a. Sun in Kendra
b. Moon in either Kendra or Trikona
c. The lord of the 10th house posited either in Kendra or in the 11th
d. Jupiter occupying the lagna or the 4th house
e. The lord of the 8th house posited in 1st, 5th or 9th (Trikonas) house.
f. Any of the Trikona lords occupying the 8th house or either aspected or conjoined by the lord of the 8th house.
If Sun or Mars is posited in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house is a benefic, being aspected by another benefic planet and also the lord of the 9th house is debilitated, then the native becomes a Gazetted Officer.
When the lord of the 6th house, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are well-placed and relate favourably to the 10th house, the native gets employed in either Police Department or Defence services.
The positions of the lords of the 6th and the 10th houses in the Navamsa chart are also indicative.
Case-study I
(Person holding a government job)
Balance of Venus Dasa at birth 6 years, 4 months, 15 days.
Navamsa Positions: Lagna and Saturn in Pisces; Ketu in Cancer (5th); Jupiter and Moon in Libra (7th); Rahu, Sun and Mars in Capricorn (11th); Mercury and Venus in Aquarius (12th). The native joined the police Department as a typist and retired as Office Superintendent in the District Police Office.
Jupiter is located in the lagna
6th lord Mars is in the 10th house and is also exalted in the Navamsa chart. His navamsa position is 8th to the lagna of the Rasi chart and 11th to the lagna of Navamsa chart.
Moon is situated in the 7th house (Kendra).
8th lord Saturn occupies the 12th house in the Rasi chart and Pisces sign in the Navamsa Chart, which is 10th from the lagna of the Rasi chart.
In the Navamsa chart, the lord of the lagna and the 10th house, Jupiter, is in the 8th house (Libra) in conjunction with the 5th lord Moon. The 8th lord Venus is in Trine to the lagna lord Jupiter.
The 8th lord Saturn, posited in the 12th house, is in the 7th to the 5th lord Venus who, in turn is occupying the 6th house. This causes Vipreet Raja Yoga and also indicates governmental job.
Sun, which represents the government, is in debilitation, conjoined with the combust lagna lord Mercury.
Case study II
(Person holding a job in a private sector)
Balance of Sun Dasa at birth:- 3 years, 11 months, 4 days. Bhava Chart: Ascendant and Mars in Aries; Mercury in Gemini (3rd), Sun and Venus in Cancer (4th); Rahu in Leo (5th); Jupiter in Scorpio (8th); Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius (9th); Ketu in Aquarius (11th). The native had graduated from IIT (Mumbai) and joined Neyveli Lignite Corporation, a Central Government Organisation. The 10th house is an Earthy sign (Capricorn) and its lord is Saturn. Watery planet Moon is occupying the 10th house, indicating career involving Mining / Power. However, the native resigned his job at Neyveli and took up employment with a MNC in the U.S., constantly travelling to 32 different countries and drawing huge salary. Several favourable yogas are also present in the chart, such as Sankha yoga, Anapha Yoga and Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga. Sankha yoga lords of the 5th and the 6th posited in kendras and the lagna lord being powerful. Anapha yoga presence of planets in the 12th from the Moon. DharmaKarmadhipathi yoga Conjunction, mutual aspect or mutual exchange of houses between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses.
The lord of the lagna and the 8th house, Mars, is posited in the 2nd house, aspecting both Jupiter and Saturn, who are incidentally the lords of the 9th and the 10th houses.
The 4th lord Moon is posited in the 10th house, while the 5th lord Sun occupies the 4th house in conjunction with Mercury, the lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses.
In the Bhava chart, the 9th lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house and is aspected by its lord Mars occupying the lagna.
The 4th lord Moon is in conjunction with the 10th lord Saturn in the Bhava chart. If the lords of the 4th and the 10th house have any relationship, then the native enjoys great power, fame, honour titles and monetary gains. Hence he did not continue as an Engineer at NLC, but went on to a high-flying career in a Private Concern.
Case study III
(Person holding no job)
Balance of Jupiter Dasa at Birth 7 years, 11 months, 6 days. Although the native was employed during his youth, he had remained jobless for the most part of his life. Vedic Sutra: ‘If the 10th lord is weak, debilitated, combust or posited in enemy’s house or located in the 6th 8th or 12th house, the native will not find a job (karma Viheena yoga)’. In the above chart, the 10th lord Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and the lagna lord is in a badhaka-sthana. (7th for Gemini lagna, a movable sign). If benefic planets with Kendrathipathi dosha are posited in own house which happens to be a kendra, they will offer good results; otherwise evil results will befall).
Rahu occupies the 10th house. The 6th lord Mars is conjoined with the 8th lord Saturn. Further, Mars is also aspecting the 10th house.
The conjunction of the 6th and the 9th lords gives rise to Nirdhana Yoga. However the conjunction of the 8th and the 11th lords can adversely affect money matters, although it ensures longevity.
The 10th lord Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus, the lord of the 5th and 12th houses and Saturn is posited in their 8th house.
If the trikona lord is related to the 8th house, then the native would hold a government job this was the principle stated earlier. When the 5th lord Venus is posited in the 8th house, why did not this native get employed with government? The reader may obviously wonder at this contradiction.
The irony of this combination is the trikona lord Venus is situated in the 8th house along with the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses Jupiter, who is debilitated. This combination occurs in the 2nd to the 7th house, giving rise to both lagnadhi and chandradhi yogas (Lagnadhi yoga natural benefics posited in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the lagna and Moon). Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses and since Venus is Kalatra Karaka, the native’s wife is a government employee drawing a high salary.
The 10th lord Jupiter is debilitated and is in 2/12 position from the lagna lord Mercury, who is situated in the 7th house, a badhaka-sthana. Thus the native is jobless, while his wife is a government employee.
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