As we know, there are twelve houses in the horoscope, each house representing certain signification'sand characteristics. A natural horoscope begins with the ascendant Aries in the first house which is why Aries is given the number one symbol in the horoscope followed by Taurus as number two, Gemini as three, and so forth.
Each house has its own characteristics that are similar to the sign and planet that rules the sign, based on the natural horoscope. For instance Aries represents the first house as sign number one in the natural horoscope. Mars rules the sign Aries and if one takes the signification's for Mars, the sign Aries and the first house, you would come up very similar characteristics. For a person's body parts, the first house represents the head, the same for Mars and the sign Aries.
The natural second house is ruled by Taurus, which is in turn ruled by the planet Venus. The body parts of the second house are the throat, neck and mouth. Taurus rules the neck and throat and Venus is connected also to the neck, throat and voice.
There are certain houses that are strong and benefic for planets to be positioned in, as well as houses that weaken a planet and are malefic for planets to be deposited in.
Kendra Houses:
These houses are very strong and give exceptional benefic qualities to the planets that are placed in them. These are houses 1, 4, 7, and 10. They are also known as the angular house in the chart.
Trikona Houses
These houses are almost as strong as the kendra houses, but are given the role of secondary benefic and are houses 1, 5, and 9. They are also known as trine houses and benefic planets that are deposited in them produce great results. Notice must be given to the fact that the first house is called a Kendra and Trine house. It is one reason for the great importance bestowed on the ascendant or first house in a chart.
Dusthana Houses
These houses represent the 6, 8th, and 12th in the chart and are the malefic houses. Any benefic planet that is placed in the dusthana houses will become weak and bring about difficulties to that planet.
Neutral Houses
These are the 2nd, 3rd and 11th houses and with benefics placed in them will bring about good results. These houses are considered to bestow neutral results based on the Systems Approach.
In North Indian Style -
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
If Sun, Moon, 10th lord or Jupiter occupies a Kendra, then prospects for getting employment in the government are bright. When the 6th lord, Mars, Saturn and Rahu relate favourably to the 10th house, one can look forward to getting employed in Police / Defence services.
With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the fields of Electronics, IT and Tele-communications, a wide-ranging array of career options are becoming available to the present-day job-seekers, either in the government or in the private sectors. To determine the exact nature of the employment of a native, one has to properly interpret the combination of planets, applying the basic principles of Astrology. Holding a government job is still thought to be prestigious. How are your prospects? Planetary indications for government jobs:
Government job with moderate status and salary.
a. Sun in Kendra
b. Moon in either Kendra or Trikona
c. The lord of the 10th house posited either in Kendra or in the 11th
d. Jupiter occupying the lagna or the 4th house
e. The lord of the 8th house posited in 1st, 5th or 9th (Trikonas) house.
f. Any of the Trikona lords occupying the 8th house or either aspected or conjoined by the lord of the 8th house.
If Sun or Mars is posited in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house is a benefic, being aspected by another benefic planet and also the lord of the 9th house is debilitated, then the native becomes a Gazetted Officer.
When the lord of the 6th house, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are well-placed and relate favourably to the 10th house, the native gets employed in either Police Department or Defence services.
The positions of the lords of the 6th and the 10th houses in the Navamsa chart are also indicative.
Case-study I
(Person holding a government job)
Balance of Venus Dasa at birth 6 years, 4 months, 15 days.
Navamsa Positions: Lagna and Saturn in Pisces; Ketu in Cancer (5th); Jupiter and Moon in Libra (7th); Rahu, Sun and Mars in Capricorn (11th); Mercury and Venus in Aquarius (12th). The native joined the police Department as a typist and retired as Office Superintendent in the District Police Office.
Jupiter is located in the lagna
6th lord Mars is in the 10th house and is also exalted in the Navamsa chart. His navamsa position is 8th to the lagna of the Rasi chart and 11th to the lagna of Navamsa chart.
Moon is situated in the 7th house (Kendra).
8th lord Saturn occupies the 12th house in the Rasi chart and Pisces sign in the Navamsa Chart, which is 10th from the lagna of the Rasi chart.
In the Navamsa chart, the lord of the lagna and the 10th house, Jupiter, is in the 8th house (Libra) in conjunction with the 5th lord Moon. The 8th lord Venus is in Trine to the lagna lord Jupiter.
The 8th lord Saturn, posited in the 12th house, is in the 7th to the 5th lord Venus who, in turn is occupying the 6th house. This causes Vipreet Raja Yoga and also indicates governmental job.
Sun, which represents the government, is in debilitation, conjoined with the combust lagna lord Mercury.
Case study II
(Person holding a job in a private sector)
Balance of Sun Dasa at birth:- 3 years, 11 months, 4 days. Bhava Chart: Ascendant and Mars in Aries; Mercury in Gemini (3rd), Sun and Venus in Cancer (4th); Rahu in Leo (5th); Jupiter in Scorpio (8th); Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius (9th); Ketu in Aquarius (11th). The native had graduated from IIT (Mumbai) and joined Neyveli Lignite Corporation, a Central Government Organisation. The 10th house is an Earthy sign (Capricorn) and its lord is Saturn. Watery planet Moon is occupying the 10th house, indicating career involving Mining / Power. However, the native resigned his job at Neyveli and took up employment with a MNC in the U.S., constantly travelling to 32 different countries and drawing huge salary. Several favourable yogas are also present in the chart, such as Sankha yoga, Anapha Yoga and Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga. Sankha yoga lords of the 5th and the 6th posited in kendras and the lagna lord being powerful. Anapha yoga presence of planets in the 12th from the Moon. DharmaKarmadhipathi yoga Conjunction, mutual aspect or mutual exchange of houses between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses.
The lord of the lagna and the 8th house, Mars, is posited in the 2nd house, aspecting both Jupiter and Saturn, who are incidentally the lords of the 9th and the 10th houses.
The 4th lord Moon is posited in the 10th house, while the 5th lord Sun occupies the 4th house in conjunction with Mercury, the lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses.
In the Bhava chart, the 9th lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house and is aspected by its lord Mars occupying the lagna.
The 4th lord Moon is in conjunction with the 10th lord Saturn in the Bhava chart. If the lords of the 4th and the 10th house have any relationship, then the native enjoys great power, fame, honour titles and monetary gains. Hence he did not continue as an Engineer at NLC, but went on to a high-flying career in a Private Concern.
Case study III
(Person holding no job)
Balance of Jupiter Dasa at Birth 7 years, 11 months, 6 days. Although the native was employed during his youth, he had remained jobless for the most part of his life. Vedic Sutra: ‘If the 10th lord is weak, debilitated, combust or posited in enemy’s house or located in the 6th 8th or 12th house, the native will not find a job (karma Viheena yoga)’. In the above chart, the 10th lord Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and the lagna lord is in a badhaka-sthana. (7th for Gemini lagna, a movable sign). If benefic planets with Kendrathipathi dosha are posited in own house which happens to be a kendra, they will offer good results; otherwise evil results will befall).
Rahu occupies the 10th house. The 6th lord Mars is conjoined with the 8th lord Saturn. Further, Mars is also aspecting the 10th house.
The conjunction of the 6th and the 9th lords gives rise to Nirdhana Yoga. However the conjunction of the 8th and the 11th lords can adversely affect money matters, although it ensures longevity.
The 10th lord Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus, the lord of the 5th and 12th houses and Saturn is posited in their 8th house.
If the trikona lord is related to the 8th house, then the native would hold a government job this was the principle stated earlier. When the 5th lord Venus is posited in the 8th house, why did not this native get employed with government? The reader may obviously wonder at this contradiction.
The irony of this combination is the trikona lord Venus is situated in the 8th house along with the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses Jupiter, who is debilitated. This combination occurs in the 2nd to the 7th house, giving rise to both lagnadhi and chandradhi yogas (Lagnadhi yoga natural benefics posited in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the lagna and Moon). Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses and since Venus is Kalatra Karaka, the native’s wife is a government employee drawing a high salary.
The 10th lord Jupiter is debilitated and is in 2/12 position from the lagna lord Mercury, who is situated in the 7th house, a badhaka-sthana. Thus the native is jobless, while his wife is a government employee.
If Sun, Moon, 10th lord or Jupiter occupies a Kendra, then prospects for getting employment in the government are bright. When the 6th lord, Mars, Saturn and Rahu relate favourably to the 10th house, one can look forward to getting employed in Police / Defence services.
With the rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the fields of Electronics, IT and Tele-communications, a wide-ranging array of career options are becoming available to the present-day job-seekers, either in the government or in the private sectors. To determine the exact nature of the employment of a native, one has to properly interpret the combination of planets, applying the basic principles of Astrology. Holding a government job is still thought to be prestigious. How are your prospects? Planetary indications for government jobs:
Government job with moderate status and salary.
a. Sun in Kendra
b. Moon in either Kendra or Trikona
c. The lord of the 10th house posited either in Kendra or in the 11th
d. Jupiter occupying the lagna or the 4th house
e. The lord of the 8th house posited in 1st, 5th or 9th (Trikonas) house.
f. Any of the Trikona lords occupying the 8th house or either aspected or conjoined by the lord of the 8th house.
If Sun or Mars is posited in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house is a benefic, being aspected by another benefic planet and also the lord of the 9th house is debilitated, then the native becomes a Gazetted Officer.
When the lord of the 6th house, Mars, Saturn and Rahu are well-placed and relate favourably to the 10th house, the native gets employed in either Police Department or Defence services.
The positions of the lords of the 6th and the 10th houses in the Navamsa chart are also indicative.
Case-study I
(Person holding a government job)
Balance of Venus Dasa at birth 6 years, 4 months, 15 days.
Navamsa Positions: Lagna and Saturn in Pisces; Ketu in Cancer (5th); Jupiter and Moon in Libra (7th); Rahu, Sun and Mars in Capricorn (11th); Mercury and Venus in Aquarius (12th). The native joined the police Department as a typist and retired as Office Superintendent in the District Police Office.
Jupiter is located in the lagna
6th lord Mars is in the 10th house and is also exalted in the Navamsa chart. His navamsa position is 8th to the lagna of the Rasi chart and 11th to the lagna of Navamsa chart.
Moon is situated in the 7th house (Kendra).
8th lord Saturn occupies the 12th house in the Rasi chart and Pisces sign in the Navamsa Chart, which is 10th from the lagna of the Rasi chart.
In the Navamsa chart, the lord of the lagna and the 10th house, Jupiter, is in the 8th house (Libra) in conjunction with the 5th lord Moon. The 8th lord Venus is in Trine to the lagna lord Jupiter.
The 8th lord Saturn, posited in the 12th house, is in the 7th to the 5th lord Venus who, in turn is occupying the 6th house. This causes Vipreet Raja Yoga and also indicates governmental job.
Sun, which represents the government, is in debilitation, conjoined with the combust lagna lord Mercury.
Case study II
(Person holding a job in a private sector)
Balance of Sun Dasa at birth:- 3 years, 11 months, 4 days. Bhava Chart: Ascendant and Mars in Aries; Mercury in Gemini (3rd), Sun and Venus in Cancer (4th); Rahu in Leo (5th); Jupiter in Scorpio (8th); Moon and Saturn in Sagittarius (9th); Ketu in Aquarius (11th). The native had graduated from IIT (Mumbai) and joined Neyveli Lignite Corporation, a Central Government Organisation. The 10th house is an Earthy sign (Capricorn) and its lord is Saturn. Watery planet Moon is occupying the 10th house, indicating career involving Mining / Power. However, the native resigned his job at Neyveli and took up employment with a MNC in the U.S., constantly travelling to 32 different countries and drawing huge salary. Several favourable yogas are also present in the chart, such as Sankha yoga, Anapha Yoga and Dharma-karmadhipathi yoga. Sankha yoga lords of the 5th and the 6th posited in kendras and the lagna lord being powerful. Anapha yoga presence of planets in the 12th from the Moon. DharmaKarmadhipathi yoga Conjunction, mutual aspect or mutual exchange of houses between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses.
The lord of the lagna and the 8th house, Mars, is posited in the 2nd house, aspecting both Jupiter and Saturn, who are incidentally the lords of the 9th and the 10th houses.
The 4th lord Moon is posited in the 10th house, while the 5th lord Sun occupies the 4th house in conjunction with Mercury, the lord of the 3rd and the 6th houses.
In the Bhava chart, the 9th lord Jupiter occupies the 8th house and is aspected by its lord Mars occupying the lagna.
The 4th lord Moon is in conjunction with the 10th lord Saturn in the Bhava chart. If the lords of the 4th and the 10th house have any relationship, then the native enjoys great power, fame, honour titles and monetary gains. Hence he did not continue as an Engineer at NLC, but went on to a high-flying career in a Private Concern.
Case study III
(Person holding no job)
Balance of Jupiter Dasa at Birth 7 years, 11 months, 6 days. Although the native was employed during his youth, he had remained jobless for the most part of his life. Vedic Sutra: ‘If the 10th lord is weak, debilitated, combust or posited in enemy’s house or located in the 6th 8th or 12th house, the native will not find a job (karma Viheena yoga)’. In the above chart, the 10th lord Jupiter is in his sign of debilitation and the lagna lord is in a badhaka-sthana. (7th for Gemini lagna, a movable sign). If benefic planets with Kendrathipathi dosha are posited in own house which happens to be a kendra, they will offer good results; otherwise evil results will befall).
Rahu occupies the 10th house. The 6th lord Mars is conjoined with the 8th lord Saturn. Further, Mars is also aspecting the 10th house.
The conjunction of the 6th and the 9th lords gives rise to Nirdhana Yoga. However the conjunction of the 8th and the 11th lords can adversely affect money matters, although it ensures longevity.
The 10th lord Jupiter is in conjunction with Venus, the lord of the 5th and 12th houses and Saturn is posited in their 8th house.
If the trikona lord is related to the 8th house, then the native would hold a government job this was the principle stated earlier. When the 5th lord Venus is posited in the 8th house, why did not this native get employed with government? The reader may obviously wonder at this contradiction.
The irony of this combination is the trikona lord Venus is situated in the 8th house along with the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses Jupiter, who is debilitated. This combination occurs in the 2nd to the 7th house, giving rise to both lagnadhi and chandradhi yogas (Lagnadhi yoga natural benefics posited in the 6th, 7th and the 8th from the lagna and Moon). Jupiter happens to be the lord of the 7th and the 10th houses and since Venus is Kalatra Karaka, the native’s wife is a government employee drawing a high salary.
The 10th lord Jupiter is debilitated and is in 2/12 position from the lagna lord Mercury, who is situated in the 7th house, a badhaka-sthana. Thus the native is jobless, while his wife is a government employee.
Dasas in Astrology
Dasas are unique in Indian System of Astrology in that they symbolize the overall direction of a person's life for very long periods of time.Vimsottari Dasa, remains the most popular Dasa system among Astrologers though different Dasa systems exist.
The beginning of any planetary rulership in the case of an individual depends upon the Moons' position in a nakshatra, while the planetary rulership over different nakshatras begins with Sun as the ruler of Krittika and follows the same sequence throughout the nakshatra chain.
Vimsottari Dasa is based on the position of Moon at the time of birth in a specific nakshatra. The period of rulership of any planet at the time of birth depends upon the rulership of the planet on the nakshatra. The sequence of rulership of these planets follows a particular order. This order is as follows:
Sun – 6 years
Moon – 10 years
Mars – 7 years
Rahu – 18 years
Jupiter – 16 years
Saturn – 19 years
Mercury – 17 years
Ketu – 7 years
Venus – 20 years
Dasa Periods of Planets - Sun
Sun - 6 years
Sun Bukthi - 3 months 18 days
This is not so much a favourable period. Royal displeasure, quarrel in family, ill health, travel, mental uneasiness.
Moon Bukthi 6 months
This is a better period. Promotion in job, expansion of business, new ventures, respect among relations, and if moon is badly placed ill health and danger from water.
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Mental tension, ill health, litigation, mis-understanding with relations, loss, worry. When in favourable position with beneficial aspect- purchase of property, promotions or appointment.
Rahu Bukthi - 10 months 24 days
When Rahu is in 6, 8, 12 place or combined with evil planet there will be mental worry, loss, failure in undertakings, seperation in family, children affected, food poison etc. When in 10 or 11 Royal favour, extra income, free from disease.
Jupiter Bukthi - 9 months 18 days
When Jupiter is placed in his own house or exalted marriage, benefits from friends and relatives. Increase of wealth, royal favour, promotion in job, contact with saintly persons, pilgrimage to holy places, victory in court cases.
Saturn Bukthi -11 months 12 days
Sicknes to wife and children, loss of money, royal displeasure, transfers in job as punishment, misery, debt.
Mercury Bukthi - 10 months 6 days
Purchase of ornaments and clothes favourable trend in education, expansion of business, marriage, pilgrimage. When Mercury is in bad position 3, 6, 8, 12 or lord of 4 and 7, mental depression, court troubles, scandal, ill health, quarrel, unnecessary travels.
Ketu Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
This is a period when one must be careful. Mental worry, change of residence, family troubles, disease, poison due to insects bitings, headache, misunderstanding among friends. Ketu in 11 with the aspect of Jupiter or Venus, advancement in education name and fame.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year
When Venus is in Trikona or 2nd benefits from women or marriage, Royal favour, promotions, contact with saintly person, mind towards intense prayers, travel to holy places. When Venus is not in favorable places or combined with evil planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Saturn, contact with immoral ladies, displeasure in office, or loss in business, court trouble, ill health.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Moon
Moon Dasa - 10 years
Moon Bukthi - 10 months
This is a favorable period. Marriage or birth of child, seeing saints or holy persons, pilgrimages, good food, success in undertakings, gain of lost property, change in the living place, good health.
Mars Bukthi - 7 months
Normally this is not a favourable period. Misunderstanding in th family, loss of wealth, extra expense, ill health due to fire or instruments, blood troubles. Otherwise Royal favor, expansion of activities, new vehicles, benefits from brothers, new ornaments purchased and general mental easiness.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 6 months
A very taxing period, loss of wealth, displeasure with boss or higher authorities, ill health to father, or family members, mental agony. When Rahu is aspected by benefics the results are positive in purchasing new houses, new vehicle, new venture, political victory.
Jupiter Bukthi - 1 year 4 months
Generally a favorable period. Promotion in job, meeting holy persons, or pilgrimage, child birth, purchase of gold ornaments, marriage etc. When Jupiter is in 6, 8, 12 the results will not be so favorable loss of prestige or position, mental tension.
Saturn Bukthi -1year 7 months
Loss in wealth, mental anexity, ill health due to bile and misunderstanding with relative and offiicer. When Saturn is in 3, 6, 11 from Moon more favorable results can be seen. Either marriage or child birth, new venture in the case of bussiness men, new dealings in iron or oil business and gain. ill health with fatigue will also be the result.
Mercury Bukthi - 1 year 5 months
Wealth through maternal side, favorable news in disputes, good results in mental activities, Royal favor, happiness through frmales. If Mercury is ill placed quite contrary results with fear, ill health and mental anexity.
Ketu Bukthi - 7 months
This is an unfavorable period. ill health in family circle, eye troubles, mental worry, displeasure with higher authorities or loss in business. Pilgrimage and blessing of saints likely when Kethu is well placed.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year 8 months :
Birth of child or marriage, royal favour good clothings, sudden wealth, help from wife side people, gain in agriculture. When venus is badly placed bad name, evil company, mental worry etc.
Sun Bukthi - 6 months :
This is a mixed period. Happiness and general prosperity, ill health to parents, general debility, new position or appointment in case of unemployed.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Mars
Mars Dasa - 7 years
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Misunderstandings between brothers and sisters, superiors in office, quarrel, loss, ill health due to excess heat in the body. When Mars is exalted or in own house or in favorable position gain through landed property or acquisition of house, favorable results in family litigation, purchase of ornaments and other luxury items.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal displeasure, mind going towards evil doings, changing the living place, punishments, loss of cattle, wife, long journey, bad name, fall and injury.
Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Favorable Jupiter indicates pilgrimage, birth of child, promotion, devotion to God. Unfavourable Jupiter indicates loss of brothers, loss of money, failure in undertakings, mental worry.
Saturn Bukthi -1year 1 month 9 days
Loss of wealth, danger in operation, quarrels, fight, court troubles, displeasure in office and loss of position and mental worry and hard period, scarcity of food.
Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Mind diverted towards holy activities, favorable results in education or travel, marriage, gain in business, respect in society. When ill- placed the period will be of mental illness, robbery, money through illegal way, bad name.
Kethu Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Sufferings on account of misunderstandings with brothers or relation or in family, disease due to infection or fire.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Happiness in family, success in matrimonial alliances, religious travels, purchase of property through wife, victory over enemies. When Venus is badly it will give anxiety and mental depression.
Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Contact with holy persons or saints, mind occupied with religious thoughts, long travel, health of father improves. When Sun is badly placed diseases due to excess heat and mixed events.
Moon Bukthi - 7 months
This is a better period. Profit, good health to children, purchase of ornaments, repairs in the living place. When Mars is the lord of 5 or 9 or 10 when placed in such position with good benefic aspect the Dasa will give good understandings between brother and professional betterment and gain.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Rahu
Rahu Dasa - 18 years
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 12 days
Mental anxiety, ill health to wife or other members of family, transfer in the place of work, bad name, poisonous bites, court troubles, leaving home and wandering.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 24 days
Promotion in job, child birth or marriage, favorable atmosphere in office, good health, pilgimage to holy places, litigations or court troubles are also likely.
Saturn Bukthi -2year 10 months 6 days
Generally a very unfavorable period, extreme difference of opinion between husband and wife if 7th bava or Venus is also bad, and even divorce, or seperation, diseases due to pains in joints or excess wind, leaving to remote place.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 18 days
Marriage, promotion in the job or expansion of business, new circle of friends etc. In the second part, birth of child, vehicles, enjoyments in life, evil ways in enjoyments and illegal methods of earning.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
This is again a period of strain with disease, ill health due to some poison, wife will become enemy, displeasure with superiors in office, loss of wealth, blame.
Venus Bukthi - 3 years
This will be a better period than others. Purchase of vehicles, wife would be a source of happiness, marriage if unmarried, or child birth, benefits like promotion, or other favor in the office, gain in agricultural holdings and general happiness. Some troubles from enemies and ill health are also likely.
Sun Bukthi - 10 months 24days
Transfer in job or transfer in place of working, disease due to excess heat, changing the place of living, educational achievements and charity, mental worry and uneasiness will aslo prevail.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 6 months
Condition of health changing, some kind of loss through wife, enjoyments in life, travels, sea travel also likely, financial improvements, gain in lands, death of relatives.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
This is a period of test, indicates displeasure with officers, failure in court cases, loss through brothers or cousins, bad habits, severe mental agony and decrease of mental power.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Jupiter
Jupiter Dasa 16 years
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 1 month 18 days
Favorable news in office and promotion, good health, success in activities, pilgrimage, loss of wealth, failures unattachment in family and children.
Saturn Bukthi - 2year 6 months 12 days
Misunderstanding in family and relations, failure in business, debts, court troubles, mental uneasiness, funeral ceremonies for others, evil ways and habits, pain in foot or joints.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 3 months 6 days
Improvement in finance, auspicious ceremonies at home, expansion of business, favor from superiors, mental activities in artistic lines, birth of a good child.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 months 6 days
Sacrificing for the sake of others, change of living place, seperation from relations, pilgrimage to holy places, loss in wealth, illness due to poison.
Venus Bukthi - 2 years 8 months
Employement if unemployed, success or promotion in job or business, happiness at home, improvement in children's life, purchase of jewels especially in diamond, auspicious ceremonies at home, bad name and difficulties for women folk.
Sun Bukthi - 9 months 18days
Increase in financial standard, favor from superiors, improvement in health, more pious and holy activities.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 4 months
Children become a source of happiness, marriage or birth of child, purchase or acquisition of property, home comforts, name and fame, benefit in mental activities like writing.
Mars Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Pilgrimage to holy temples, new ventures and wealth, loss due to robbery, difficulties in job and displeasure with boss or authorities.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 24 days
Loss and financial strain, some income from people in low standard, disease, anxiety to wife /spouse, mental tension.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Saturn
Saturn Dasa - 19 years
Saturn Bukthi - 3years 3 days
ill health , mental tension , worry from sons, wife and relations, some loss is also indicated.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 9 days
Expansion of education and knowlege, financial improvement, marriage or birth of child, favourable news in place of work and holy ceremonies at home.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 1month 9 days
Ill health due to swelling in joints, especially knee joints, loss of money, quarrel with son, fear of poison, trouble through women.
Venus Bukthi - 3 years 2 months
This is a brighter period. Promotion in job or favorable news in the place of work, happiness in family, success in undertaking, coming of wife's property and victory in disputes.
Sun Bukthi - 9 months 18days
Diseases due to poison of blood, theft, affliction in eyes, wife and children badly affected and mental suffering.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 7 months
Loss of property and money, debts, changing of house due to dispute, enmity among relations, death of some important family member.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Bad name, wandering or frequent transfer in job, serious illness, loss by theft etc.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 10 months 6 days
Increase of troubles, diseases in limb, insect bites, misery in every walk.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 12 days
Compartively this is better period, purchase of ornaments, physical comforts, success in expected matters, new friends and new position.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Mercury
Mercury Dasa - 17 years
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 27 days
Purchase of home or shifting to more comfortable place, money and help from relatives, learning of astrology or similar subjects, improvement in conditions of life.
Ketu Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Disease due to excess of bile in the body, unnecessary travels, loss of wealth, mental agony, improvement in eduaction, success in artistic lines can be expected.
Venus Bukthi - 2 years 10 months
Religious ceremonies at home, purchase of jewels, marriage or birth of child, family happiness, prosperity to relatives, purchase of landed properties also likely, illegal connections, drinking liquor habit develops.
Sun Bukthi - 10 months 6 days
Royal honour, appointment, vehicles, political career, etc. Disease in stomach, fire accidents, sickness to wife, acquisition of some wealth.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 5 months
Health troubles, disputes through women, gain through women, jewels, general ill will of relations.
Mars Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Some benefits from superiors, disease due to insect bite, neighbors becoming enemies, visiting house of ill fame, punishments by superiors, mental anxiety.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 18 days
Evil and bad connections with women, change in position, failure in cases, money from friends, disease due to indigestion and the like, acquisition of Divine Knowledge.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 3 months 6 days
Some benefits from superiors, birth of son, closeness of relations, wife becoming more attached, ill feeling with relations, quarrel, il health, loss of wealth, misunderstanding with father or son and the like.
Saturn Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 9 days
Diseases, debts, scandal, money from illegal sources, failure in land holdings or failure in iron or oil business. Good actions like building temples or charities or pilgrimage.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Ketu
Ketu Dasa - 7 years
Ketu Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Mental worry due to son or wife, loss of money, poison, fear, a general set back and check in life.
Venus Bukthi - 1 years 2 months
Success in undertaking, birth of child, ill health to children, fever or dysentry.
Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Check in business, expansion of knowlege, uneasiness, travel, health of wife giving anxiety and worry.
Moon Bukthi - 7 months
Financial improvements, loss or mental uneasiness, disease through water or cold, troubles from children.
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
A general anxiety about children, quarrels in family, increase of enemies, punishments, death, operation in the body.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal or government punishments, blood poison, loss of wealth or property, loss in business, visiting prostitute homes for pleasure.
Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Contact with persons of high status, happiness through wife, marriage, increase in holdings, profits in business.
Saturn Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Prison life conditions, loss of money in many ways, strained feelings with relations, exile to far off places, change of house.
Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Money from mental pursuits, children giving worry and anxiety, failure of ideas or plans, fear from relations, etc.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Venus
Venus Dasa- 20 years
Venus Bukthi - 3 years 4 months
A general easiness will prevail in life conditions increase in finance, fame, birth of male child.
Sun Bukthi - 1 year
This is not so much a favorable period. General anxiety, troubles in family, quarrel, damage to property and wealth.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 8 months
Gain through women, expansion of mental activity, vehicles, success in undertakings, intense devotion to God, nervous troubles due to excess sexual pleasure and troubles through women.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Increase of family holdings, marriage, wealth through women, materialistic outlook, diseases of eye or bile.
Rahu Bukthi - 3 years
Change of place of living, getting property by lottery or race or by unexpected ways, silent prayers, name and fame increasing.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 8 months
Help from persons in rank, patronage from wife and children , Royal honor and wealth. When Jupiter is in 6, 8, 12 houses there would be unnecessary travel, failures, general disgust in life.
Saturn Bukthi - 3 years 2 months
Disease due to evil habits, bad company, loss of health and money.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 10 months
Marriage, success in court affairs, increase in financial standards, children giving mental satisfaction, ailments in the body.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Pilgrimage, worship, visiting saints, good education to children, danger from animals, weakness of body, anxiety but the end will be in happiness.
The beginning of any planetary rulership in the case of an individual depends upon the Moons' position in a nakshatra, while the planetary rulership over different nakshatras begins with Sun as the ruler of Krittika and follows the same sequence throughout the nakshatra chain.
Vimsottari Dasa is based on the position of Moon at the time of birth in a specific nakshatra. The period of rulership of any planet at the time of birth depends upon the rulership of the planet on the nakshatra. The sequence of rulership of these planets follows a particular order. This order is as follows:
Sun – 6 years
Moon – 10 years
Mars – 7 years
Rahu – 18 years
Jupiter – 16 years
Saturn – 19 years
Mercury – 17 years
Ketu – 7 years
Venus – 20 years
Dasa Periods of Planets - Sun
Sun - 6 years
Sun Bukthi - 3 months 18 days
This is not so much a favourable period. Royal displeasure, quarrel in family, ill health, travel, mental uneasiness.
Moon Bukthi 6 months
This is a better period. Promotion in job, expansion of business, new ventures, respect among relations, and if moon is badly placed ill health and danger from water.
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Mental tension, ill health, litigation, mis-understanding with relations, loss, worry. When in favourable position with beneficial aspect- purchase of property, promotions or appointment.
Rahu Bukthi - 10 months 24 days
When Rahu is in 6, 8, 12 place or combined with evil planet there will be mental worry, loss, failure in undertakings, seperation in family, children affected, food poison etc. When in 10 or 11 Royal favour, extra income, free from disease.
Jupiter Bukthi - 9 months 18 days
When Jupiter is placed in his own house or exalted marriage, benefits from friends and relatives. Increase of wealth, royal favour, promotion in job, contact with saintly persons, pilgrimage to holy places, victory in court cases.
Saturn Bukthi -11 months 12 days
Sicknes to wife and children, loss of money, royal displeasure, transfers in job as punishment, misery, debt.
Mercury Bukthi - 10 months 6 days
Purchase of ornaments and clothes favourable trend in education, expansion of business, marriage, pilgrimage. When Mercury is in bad position 3, 6, 8, 12 or lord of 4 and 7, mental depression, court troubles, scandal, ill health, quarrel, unnecessary travels.
Ketu Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
This is a period when one must be careful. Mental worry, change of residence, family troubles, disease, poison due to insects bitings, headache, misunderstanding among friends. Ketu in 11 with the aspect of Jupiter or Venus, advancement in education name and fame.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year
When Venus is in Trikona or 2nd benefits from women or marriage, Royal favour, promotions, contact with saintly person, mind towards intense prayers, travel to holy places. When Venus is not in favorable places or combined with evil planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars or Saturn, contact with immoral ladies, displeasure in office, or loss in business, court trouble, ill health.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Moon
Moon Dasa - 10 years
Moon Bukthi - 10 months
This is a favorable period. Marriage or birth of child, seeing saints or holy persons, pilgrimages, good food, success in undertakings, gain of lost property, change in the living place, good health.
Mars Bukthi - 7 months
Normally this is not a favourable period. Misunderstanding in th family, loss of wealth, extra expense, ill health due to fire or instruments, blood troubles. Otherwise Royal favor, expansion of activities, new vehicles, benefits from brothers, new ornaments purchased and general mental easiness.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 6 months
A very taxing period, loss of wealth, displeasure with boss or higher authorities, ill health to father, or family members, mental agony. When Rahu is aspected by benefics the results are positive in purchasing new houses, new vehicle, new venture, political victory.
Jupiter Bukthi - 1 year 4 months
Generally a favorable period. Promotion in job, meeting holy persons, or pilgrimage, child birth, purchase of gold ornaments, marriage etc. When Jupiter is in 6, 8, 12 the results will not be so favorable loss of prestige or position, mental tension.
Saturn Bukthi -1year 7 months
Loss in wealth, mental anexity, ill health due to bile and misunderstanding with relative and offiicer. When Saturn is in 3, 6, 11 from Moon more favorable results can be seen. Either marriage or child birth, new venture in the case of bussiness men, new dealings in iron or oil business and gain. ill health with fatigue will also be the result.
Mercury Bukthi - 1 year 5 months
Wealth through maternal side, favorable news in disputes, good results in mental activities, Royal favor, happiness through frmales. If Mercury is ill placed quite contrary results with fear, ill health and mental anexity.
Ketu Bukthi - 7 months
This is an unfavorable period. ill health in family circle, eye troubles, mental worry, displeasure with higher authorities or loss in business. Pilgrimage and blessing of saints likely when Kethu is well placed.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year 8 months :
Birth of child or marriage, royal favour good clothings, sudden wealth, help from wife side people, gain in agriculture. When venus is badly placed bad name, evil company, mental worry etc.
Sun Bukthi - 6 months :
This is a mixed period. Happiness and general prosperity, ill health to parents, general debility, new position or appointment in case of unemployed.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Mars
Mars Dasa - 7 years
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Misunderstandings between brothers and sisters, superiors in office, quarrel, loss, ill health due to excess heat in the body. When Mars is exalted or in own house or in favorable position gain through landed property or acquisition of house, favorable results in family litigation, purchase of ornaments and other luxury items.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal displeasure, mind going towards evil doings, changing the living place, punishments, loss of cattle, wife, long journey, bad name, fall and injury.
Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Favorable Jupiter indicates pilgrimage, birth of child, promotion, devotion to God. Unfavourable Jupiter indicates loss of brothers, loss of money, failure in undertakings, mental worry.
Saturn Bukthi -1year 1 month 9 days
Loss of wealth, danger in operation, quarrels, fight, court troubles, displeasure in office and loss of position and mental worry and hard period, scarcity of food.
Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Mind diverted towards holy activities, favorable results in education or travel, marriage, gain in business, respect in society. When ill- placed the period will be of mental illness, robbery, money through illegal way, bad name.
Kethu Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Sufferings on account of misunderstandings with brothers or relation or in family, disease due to infection or fire.
Venus Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Happiness in family, success in matrimonial alliances, religious travels, purchase of property through wife, victory over enemies. When Venus is badly it will give anxiety and mental depression.
Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Contact with holy persons or saints, mind occupied with religious thoughts, long travel, health of father improves. When Sun is badly placed diseases due to excess heat and mixed events.
Moon Bukthi - 7 months
This is a better period. Profit, good health to children, purchase of ornaments, repairs in the living place. When Mars is the lord of 5 or 9 or 10 when placed in such position with good benefic aspect the Dasa will give good understandings between brother and professional betterment and gain.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Rahu
Rahu Dasa - 18 years
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 12 days
Mental anxiety, ill health to wife or other members of family, transfer in the place of work, bad name, poisonous bites, court troubles, leaving home and wandering.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 24 days
Promotion in job, child birth or marriage, favorable atmosphere in office, good health, pilgimage to holy places, litigations or court troubles are also likely.
Saturn Bukthi -2year 10 months 6 days
Generally a very unfavorable period, extreme difference of opinion between husband and wife if 7th bava or Venus is also bad, and even divorce, or seperation, diseases due to pains in joints or excess wind, leaving to remote place.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 18 days
Marriage, promotion in the job or expansion of business, new circle of friends etc. In the second part, birth of child, vehicles, enjoyments in life, evil ways in enjoyments and illegal methods of earning.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
This is again a period of strain with disease, ill health due to some poison, wife will become enemy, displeasure with superiors in office, loss of wealth, blame.
Venus Bukthi - 3 years
This will be a better period than others. Purchase of vehicles, wife would be a source of happiness, marriage if unmarried, or child birth, benefits like promotion, or other favor in the office, gain in agricultural holdings and general happiness. Some troubles from enemies and ill health are also likely.
Sun Bukthi - 10 months 24days
Transfer in job or transfer in place of working, disease due to excess heat, changing the place of living, educational achievements and charity, mental worry and uneasiness will aslo prevail.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 6 months
Condition of health changing, some kind of loss through wife, enjoyments in life, travels, sea travel also likely, financial improvements, gain in lands, death of relatives.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
This is a period of test, indicates displeasure with officers, failure in court cases, loss through brothers or cousins, bad habits, severe mental agony and decrease of mental power.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Jupiter
Jupiter Dasa 16 years
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 1 month 18 days
Favorable news in office and promotion, good health, success in activities, pilgrimage, loss of wealth, failures unattachment in family and children.
Saturn Bukthi - 2year 6 months 12 days
Misunderstanding in family and relations, failure in business, debts, court troubles, mental uneasiness, funeral ceremonies for others, evil ways and habits, pain in foot or joints.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 3 months 6 days
Improvement in finance, auspicious ceremonies at home, expansion of business, favor from superiors, mental activities in artistic lines, birth of a good child.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 months 6 days
Sacrificing for the sake of others, change of living place, seperation from relations, pilgrimage to holy places, loss in wealth, illness due to poison.
Venus Bukthi - 2 years 8 months
Employement if unemployed, success or promotion in job or business, happiness at home, improvement in children's life, purchase of jewels especially in diamond, auspicious ceremonies at home, bad name and difficulties for women folk.
Sun Bukthi - 9 months 18days
Increase in financial standard, favor from superiors, improvement in health, more pious and holy activities.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 4 months
Children become a source of happiness, marriage or birth of child, purchase or acquisition of property, home comforts, name and fame, benefit in mental activities like writing.
Mars Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Pilgrimage to holy temples, new ventures and wealth, loss due to robbery, difficulties in job and displeasure with boss or authorities.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 24 days
Loss and financial strain, some income from people in low standard, disease, anxiety to wife /spouse, mental tension.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Saturn
Saturn Dasa - 19 years
Saturn Bukthi - 3years 3 days
ill health , mental tension , worry from sons, wife and relations, some loss is also indicated.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 9 days
Expansion of education and knowlege, financial improvement, marriage or birth of child, favourable news in place of work and holy ceremonies at home.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 1month 9 days
Ill health due to swelling in joints, especially knee joints, loss of money, quarrel with son, fear of poison, trouble through women.
Venus Bukthi - 3 years 2 months
This is a brighter period. Promotion in job or favorable news in the place of work, happiness in family, success in undertaking, coming of wife's property and victory in disputes.
Sun Bukthi - 9 months 18days
Diseases due to poison of blood, theft, affliction in eyes, wife and children badly affected and mental suffering.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 7 months
Loss of property and money, debts, changing of house due to dispute, enmity among relations, death of some important family member.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Bad name, wandering or frequent transfer in job, serious illness, loss by theft etc.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 10 months 6 days
Increase of troubles, diseases in limb, insect bites, misery in every walk.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 12 days
Compartively this is better period, purchase of ornaments, physical comforts, success in expected matters, new friends and new position.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Mercury
Mercury Dasa - 17 years
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 4 months 27 days
Purchase of home or shifting to more comfortable place, money and help from relatives, learning of astrology or similar subjects, improvement in conditions of life.
Ketu Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Disease due to excess of bile in the body, unnecessary travels, loss of wealth, mental agony, improvement in eduaction, success in artistic lines can be expected.
Venus Bukthi - 2 years 10 months
Religious ceremonies at home, purchase of jewels, marriage or birth of child, family happiness, prosperity to relatives, purchase of landed properties also likely, illegal connections, drinking liquor habit develops.
Sun Bukthi - 10 months 6 days
Royal honour, appointment, vehicles, political career, etc. Disease in stomach, fire accidents, sickness to wife, acquisition of some wealth.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 5 months
Health troubles, disputes through women, gain through women, jewels, general ill will of relations.
Mars Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Some benefits from superiors, disease due to insect bite, neighbors becoming enemies, visiting house of ill fame, punishments by superiors, mental anxiety.
Rahu Bukthi - 2 years 6 months 18 days
Evil and bad connections with women, change in position, failure in cases, money from friends, disease due to indigestion and the like, acquisition of Divine Knowledge.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 3 months 6 days
Some benefits from superiors, birth of son, closeness of relations, wife becoming more attached, ill feeling with relations, quarrel, il health, loss of wealth, misunderstanding with father or son and the like.
Saturn Bukthi - 2 years 8 months 9 days
Diseases, debts, scandal, money from illegal sources, failure in land holdings or failure in iron or oil business. Good actions like building temples or charities or pilgrimage.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Ketu
Ketu Dasa - 7 years
Ketu Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
Mental worry due to son or wife, loss of money, poison, fear, a general set back and check in life.
Venus Bukthi - 1 years 2 months
Success in undertaking, birth of child, ill health to children, fever or dysentry.
Sun Bukthi - 4 months 6 days
Check in business, expansion of knowlege, uneasiness, travel, health of wife giving anxiety and worry.
Moon Bukthi - 7 months
Financial improvements, loss or mental uneasiness, disease through water or cold, troubles from children.
Mars Bukthi - 4 months 27 days
A general anxiety about children, quarrels in family, increase of enemies, punishments, death, operation in the body.
Rahu Bukthi - 1 year 18 days
Royal or government punishments, blood poison, loss of wealth or property, loss in business, visiting prostitute homes for pleasure.
Jupiter Bukthi - 11 months 6 days
Contact with persons of high status, happiness through wife, marriage, increase in holdings, profits in business.
Saturn Bukthi - 1 year 1 month 9 days
Prison life conditions, loss of money in many ways, strained feelings with relations, exile to far off places, change of house.
Mercury Bukthi - 11 months 27 days
Money from mental pursuits, children giving worry and anxiety, failure of ideas or plans, fear from relations, etc.
Dasa Periods of Planets - Venus
Venus Dasa- 20 years
Venus Bukthi - 3 years 4 months
A general easiness will prevail in life conditions increase in finance, fame, birth of male child.
Sun Bukthi - 1 year
This is not so much a favorable period. General anxiety, troubles in family, quarrel, damage to property and wealth.
Moon Bukthi - 1 year 8 months
Gain through women, expansion of mental activity, vehicles, success in undertakings, intense devotion to God, nervous troubles due to excess sexual pleasure and troubles through women.
Mars Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Increase of family holdings, marriage, wealth through women, materialistic outlook, diseases of eye or bile.
Rahu Bukthi - 3 years
Change of place of living, getting property by lottery or race or by unexpected ways, silent prayers, name and fame increasing.
Jupiter Bukthi - 2 years 8 months
Help from persons in rank, patronage from wife and children , Royal honor and wealth. When Jupiter is in 6, 8, 12 houses there would be unnecessary travel, failures, general disgust in life.
Saturn Bukthi - 3 years 2 months
Disease due to evil habits, bad company, loss of health and money.
Mercury Bukthi - 2 years 10 months
Marriage, success in court affairs, increase in financial standards, children giving mental satisfaction, ailments in the body.
Kethu Bukthi - 1 year 2 months
Pilgrimage, worship, visiting saints, good education to children, danger from animals, weakness of body, anxiety but the end will be in happiness.
Astrology - yogas
Astrologically, yoga refers to the planetary combinations and their special results, which affect the life of an individual. In traditional Indian ephemeris, known as Panchangam, yoga is also the name of a particular division of time, which are 27 in number. This time-division is different from the asterisms, which are also 27 in number.
Find below a list of such yogas arranged in alphabetical order for your convenience.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by benefices in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon sign while Mercury is not combust and Jupiter does not form Sakata yoga. It makes an individual polite, trustworthy, affluent and capable of defeating his adversaries.
A planetary combination producing a long life of affluence formed by Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus as Ascendant, making Jupiter rule either the 5th or the 11th house in a natal chart.
An auspicious planetary combination formed in two ways,(1) all cardinal houses occupied by all malefic, or by all benefices. Here, the native owns landed property and real estate, and in the latter case, he becomes rich and affluent; (2) Sun in Aries or in Leo occupies the Ascendant, or any other cardinal or trine house while Moon is in exaltation or in its own sign, i.e., in Cancer or Taurus, and Jupiter and Venus occupy the 8th or 12th house in the natal chart. This yoga nullifies all evils in the horoscope.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 7th house placed in the 9th house, and the lord of the 9th in the 7th house while both these planets are strong. It bestows to the native long arms, big eyes, knowledge of law and religious scriptures. His wife is faithful to him and he leads a pure and moral life.
A planet other than the Sun occupying the 12th house from the Moon constitutes Anapha yoga. Mars in this position makes the person powerful, self-controlled and a leader of persons engaged in undesirable activities. Mercury makes him proficient in oratory, and absorbing conversations, and skilled in social arts. Jupiter makes the native a serious-minded, righteous person spending money on charity. Venus makes the person a womanizer yet respected by persons in authority. Saturn leads to disenchantment, and the nodes, to perversity. The Moon under the yoga bestows well-formed organs, good manners and self-respect.
Planetary combination between Saturn and Mars. It produces serious afflictions.
A planetary combination under which all planets occupy consecutive houses leaving the intervening cardinal houses vacant. The individual under this combination is happy, handsome, and is provided with much ornaments, gems and jewels.
Planetary combinations producing misfortune. These combinations nullify auspicious results and produce hardships. Some of these combinations are:
(i) Malefic associated with the 6th, 8th and 12th houses or their lords; (ii) Malefic aspects on a weak Moon (iii) Sun, Mars, and Saturn in the 5th house (iv) Mars, Saturn, or Sun in the 8th house (v) malefic aspect on weak Ascendant lord, Sun or Moon (vi) Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn in Ascendant (vii) exchange of signs between Jupiter and Mars (viii) Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house while Rahu occupies the 3rd house (ix) Rahu in the 4th, and Moon in the 6th or 8th house x) Mars in the 7th, Venus in the 8th and Sun in the 9th house (xi) Malefic in the 7th and 12th houses (xii) Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Mars occupy signs of malefic Planets while Venus is in the 7th house (xiii) lord of Ascendant associated with a malefic or flanked by two malefics, and a malefic positioned in the 7th house (xiv) Saturn in the 8th house, Moon in Ascendant, or Venus and Moon in the 6th or 8th House (xv) Moon and Mercury in the 6th or 8th house.
When Rahu is in 6th and Jupiter in Kendra this is formed. Wealthy condition and happiness is seen.
A planetary combination formed by (i) the Ascendant occupying a cardinal Sign,and Venus and Jupiter in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses, and (iii) Saturn in exaltation. The combination bestows spiritual blessings uplifting the individual's mind and heart enabling him to attain mystic awareness and inner wisdom. He becomes an erudite and deep student of religious and esoteric literature with psychic susceptibilities. The combination also bestows high status in society, renown for meritorious deeds and pilgrimages to religious and historical places.
A planetary combination under which all benefices are located in the 1st and 7th houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual good-natured and lucky during the whole of his life.
One of the five combinations under Pancha Mahapurushayoga. Mercury in exaltation or in its own sign occupying a cardinal house either from Ascendant or from the Moon produces Bhadrayoga. The combination produces gracious behavior.
Another kind of Bhadrayoga is formed by the Moon and Jupiter placed in the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house in the 11th house, and the Ascendant lord associated with benefices. The combination makes the person learned, intelligent, capable of understanding the feelings of others. He is skilled in many arts.
A planetary combination formed by Mercury placed in the 2nd from Sun, Moon 11th from Mercury, and Jupiter in a trine house from the Moon. A person born under this combination is courageous, powerful, learned, has deep knowledge of religious scriptures, mathematics and classical music.
A planetary combination formed by Moon in the 10th house, the navamsa lord of Moon in exaltation, and the lord of the 9th house associated with the lord of the 2nd house. This combination makes a person rich, respected and learned. He may be renowned as a botanist and a collector of artifacts.
The planetary combination which is formed in 3 ways: (i) all planets occupy the Ascendant, in the 2nd, 7th, and 10th houses (ii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant are placed in a cardinal house from the Ascendant, and the lord of the 9th house is strong (iii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant and Jupiter are in mutual angles and the lord of the 9th house is strong. All these combinations make the individual learned in scientific subjects, practical in mundane affairs, and well provided with wealth and luxuries of life.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 5th or 9th house from the sign where the Navamsa lord of Rahu is posited occupying its own sign and expected by Mars. The combination makes the individual born under it victorious in warfare and bestows on him high military status.
A planetary combination formed by Rahu in the 10th,lord of the 10th house in Ascendant, and Ascendant lord in the 9th house. It makes the individual the administrator of a region. He commands an army and is very respected. Alternatively, all planets in odd houses beginning with Ascendant also produce Chakra Yoga. It bestows high social status to the individual.
A planetary combination in which the Ascendant lord in exaltation is placed in a cardinal house aspected by Jupiter. Alternatively, if two benefices occupy the Ascendant, the 7th, 9th or 10th houses, Chamar Yoga is formed. It makes the individual wise, philosophical and a good orator. Such an individual is generally born in a royal family.
A planetary combination constituted by an exalted planet in ascendant expected by Mars, while the lord of the 9th house is placed in the 3rd house. It makes the individual administer, an adviser, or the commander of an army. The individual is courageous and lives for more than six decades.
When Mars is in 7th or in combination with Moon, this yoga is formed. This indicates more landed properties, reputation, and wealth for the native. Restlessness and worry is also there.
A planetary combination in which the Ascendant is occupied by the lord of the sign in which the 9th lord is also placed while Mars is posited in the 5th house. Persons born under it are powerful, attain a high social status in life but do not have male issues.
It is a planetary combination in which all planets occupy the 10th to the 4th houses. Persons born under it are expert thieves, and are socially despised. Chapa Yoga is also formed if the Sun is in Aquarius, Mars in Aries, and Jupiter in its own sign, which makes the individual a globetrotter.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in a cardinal house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house, Venus in a cardinal house in respect of the sign occupied by the lord of the 11th house, and the Ascendant lord and the lord of the 10th house themselves placed in the cardinal houses. This combination makes the individual erudite and successful in his undertakings and much respected. He is well provided with material possessions and lives a very long life.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by all planets, benefices as well as malefics, occupying cardinal houses. It bestows wealth, affluence, and high status in life. Such a person becomes famous even after death.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in the first seven houses of the chart. It makes the individual very happy from the beginning of his life till the very end.
An auspicious planetary combination formed in several ways. If Venus aspects Jupiter placed in the 3rd house, while the lord of the 3rd is in exaltation, Danda Yoga is formed. Alternatively, it takes place when all planets are placed only in Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces signs. Danda Yoga makes a person respected, very rich, an able administrator, and a pious person.
An inauspicious combination under the name is formed when all planets occupy only the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses. Iit makes the individual depraved, dependent on others for livelihood, and discarded by his kith and kin.
Planetary combination producing indigence and personal infirmities.They are:
(i) Jupiter as lord of the 8th house or the 1st house exceeds the strength of the lord of the 9th house, and the lord of the 11th house is neither placed in a cardinal house nor is combust (ii) Debilitated and combust Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, or Mercury occupies the 11th, 6th, 12th, 8th or the 5th Bhava(iii) Saturn in 9th house aspected by malefic planets while Mercury is associated with the Sun and occupies the Ascendant and has Pisces Navamsa (iv) Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Mars occupy in any order 8th, 6th, 12th, 5th, and 10th Bhavas, and the lord of the 12th house, weakened by Sun's aspect, has greater strength than the Ascendant lord (v) Depressed Venus, Jupiter, Moon, and Mars occupy any four of the 1st, 10st, 11th, 6th, 7th , and 8th Bhavas (vi) Venus in Ascendant in its debilitation sign, while Jupiter, Mars, and Moon are also in debilitation (vii) The Ascendant is in a cardinal sign, while the rising Navamsa is aspected by Saturn and depressed Jupiter (viii) if Jupiter is in the 6th or the 8th Bhava in a sign not belonging to itself (ix) Ascendant in a fixed sign, malefic in cardinal and trine houses in strength, and angles devoid of benefices (x) Night time birth, Ascendant in a cardinal sign, weak benefics occupy angles and trine, and malefic not in cardinal houses
Persons born in Daridra Yoga suffer deprivations of different intensities and meet unlucky and trying conditions of life.They earn by foul means. Their social life is dishonourable. They meet unexpected failures in life.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in Ascendant, Venus in 4th house, Mercury in the 7th, and Mars in the 10th house. It makes an individual very affluent and generous.
A planetary combination formed by Ascendant placed in a fixed sign, Ascendant lord in 11th, the lord of 11th in Ascendant, and the lords of 2nd and 10th houses in mutual exchange. This combination is powerful in making the individual extremely beautiful, loved by pretty women, owner of vast wealth and villas. He attains a very high social status.
A planetary combination constituted by the occupancy of Jupiter and Venus along with the lord of the 2nd in the 9th house. It makes the person very pious, fond of warfare, chivalrous, and the commander of an army. He also becomes rich and charitable.
The name of planetary combinations constituted by planets situated on either side of Moon. They generally produce affluence such as wealth, comforts in life, and high social status. Sun and the nodes must not be involved in this combination. If Moon is flanked by Mars and Mercury the combination makes the individual cruel, greedy, fond of old women, and a liar. Mars and Jupiter in the position make the individual renowned, clever, rich and a defender of others from adversaries. Venus and Mars make the individual fond of warfare, rigorous physical exertion, and courageous deeds. With Saturn and Mars, the individual becomes an expert in sexual art, accumulates much money, indulges in a fast life, and is surrounded by enemies. The combination of Jupiter and Mercury bestows religiosity, knowledge of scriptures, all round affluence and renown. Mercury and Venus in the situation make the individual beautiful, attractive, affluent, courageous, and the recipient of high official status. Moon in between Saturn and Mercury enables the individual to travel to different countries in pursuit of wealth. Jupiter and Venus make the individual patient, intelligent, balanced, and ethical, he acquires jewels, renown, and good administrative position. When Venus and Saturn form the combination, they enable the individual to acquire an aged wife from a respectable family, they make the individual skilled in many trades, loved by women, and respected by government officials. Saturn and Jupiter flanking Moon create much difficulties in the personal life of the individual, he is often surrounded by scandals, difficulties, and litigation, though from these he emerges unscathed.
Durudhara Yoga makes the individual endowed with much physical comfort, wealth, loyal helpers, and sincere followers, but towards the end in the individual's life there arises a strong impulse for renouncing the worldly possessions.
A planetary combination formed by all the malefic placed in the 8th house and all benefices in the Ascendant. Under this combination, a leader is born in this combination.
The planetary combination in which all planets occupy different houses in a sequential manner. It makes the individual an emperor.
A planetary combination formed in two ways: Moon posited in 2nd house along with Jupiter and Venus, or the lord of 9th house aspecting them and (ii) all planets, excluding the nodes are posited in adjoining cardinal houses. Gada Yoga makes the individual engaged in philanthropic and religious activities but fierce in appearance and free from any enemy. He earns much money. He is also happily married.
A planetary combination in which the lord of the 7th house from Ascendant, which would be 9th from the 11th house, is in the 11th house along with Moon, and the lord of the 11th house aspects them. A person born under this combination is always happy, rich, religious, and lives in luxurious style.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by certain relationships between Moon and Jupiter. It postulates that Jupiter must be in an angle from Moon or the Ascendant or that benefics such as Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury without being debilitated or combust, aspect the Moon. An alternative condition is that Jupiter in a quadrant from the Ascendant or Moon is in association with or expected by benefics which are neither combust nor posited in the 6th house. The combination makes the individual bright, affluent, intelligent, accomplished and favored by the government. This yoga is both protective from evil consequences of other maleficent as well as productive of auspicious results.
The planetary combination formed by exaltation of the lord of the Ascendant, and strong Jupiter placed in its Mool Trikona in association with the lord of the 2nd house. It makes the individual hail from an elite family and bestows upon him happiness, attractive appearance, and high social standing.
A planetary combination relating Jupiter and Rahu. When these two planets are associated together in a house, it produces inauspicious results. It makes the individual depraved and inclined to indulge in socially and morally unethical activities.
It arises when all the planets are located in a group of triangular houses other than the Ascendant.According to another version, all planets occupying the 5th and 9th houses also give rise to Halayoga. Persons born under this combination are engaged in agricultural activities in an important way.
One of the five Maha Purusha Yogas formed by Jupiter in exaltation or in its own sign and in strength occupying a cardinal house either from Ascendant or from the Moon sign. It makes the person fortunate, well built and having the voice of a swan. He gets a beautiful wife and possesses all comfort. He is religiously inclined and favourably disposed towards spiritual studies. The combination is said to bestow a life of more than 82 years.
Refers to 3 sets of planetary combinations: (i) Benefics placed in the 2nd, 8th, and 12th houses from the sign in which the lord of the 2nd house is placed (ii) Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury posited in the 4th, 9th, and 8th houses from the sign where the lord of the 7th house is situated (iii) the Sun, Venus and Mars in the 4th, 10th, or 11 house from the Ascendant lord. These combinations make the individual truthful, effective speaker, victorious, well-versed in religious scriptures, and philanthropic.
The planetary combination formed by Mars in a cardinal house and Rahu in the 7th. It leads the individual to self-destruction.
A term used in annual forecasting. It is formed by all the planets placed in Panphara houses. It produces many desired events during the year.
An inauspicious planetary combination.The seven planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu) in a progressed horoscope based on solar ingress principle, situated in Apoklima houses produce obstacles and thereby nullify the fructification of an auspicious combination that may otherwise be present.
A planetary combination that produces contradictory results: persons born under the combination are courageous, virile, commanding a well-equipped army, and ruling over an extensive area, yet they are intellectually foolish, ignorant.This combination is constituted in several ways: the lords of 9th and 4th houses should be in mutual angles and the lord of the Ascendant should be strong. The combination is also formed if the lord of the 4th occupies its exaltation or own sign and is expected by or is in conjunction with the 10th lord.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in 2nd or 5th house, Mercury and Venus expecting or combining with it. An individual born under it is honored by many heads of state. He becomes affluent, accomplished, healthy and occupies a very high position in life.
When all planets are between Rahu and Ketu this yoga is formed. Even though favorable planets are placed between them or in own house this has force. This is a bad yoga. Generally first half of life will be in struggles.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses which makes the individual born under it renowned, happy and accomplished in many arts.
A planetary combination produced by Ithasala relationship between the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the 10th house, especially when one of them is associated with Moon.
The Kamboola Yoga is of 3 kind, Shrestha (the best), Madhyama (ordinary) and Adhama (the worst) depending upon the strength of the planets concerned.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of 10th house placed in 9th house, the lord of 2nd in Ascendant, and the 2nd and 10th houses posited by benefics. An individual born under this combination is charitable but very materialistic in his approach to life. He seeks enjoyment of all kinds of physical comforts and a luxurious life.
A planetary combination formed by one, two or three malefic planets unaspected by any benefic, and posited simultaneously in 2-12, 3-11, or 4-10 houses. It produces the possibility of imprisonment, or detention. Similar results also occur if malefics occupy 12th and 9th houses.
A planetary combination that produces contradictory results: persons born under the combination are courageous, virile, commanding a well-equipped army, and ruling over an extensive area, yet they are intellectually foolish, ignorant and devoid of common and garden guts. This combination is constituted in several ways: the most popular version lays down that the lords of 9th and 4th houses should be in mutual angles and the lord of the Ascendant should be strong. The combination is also formed if the lord of the 4th occupies its exaltation or own sign and is expected by or is in conjunction with the 10th lord.A person born under it is prosperous, respectful, benevolent, and God-fearing, happy, charitable and regal in demeanor.
A planetary combination formed by all planets occupying four houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual ever ready to wage a righteous war, undertake a righteous mission, follow traditional religious practices and be humble, patient, philanthropic, interested in agriculture and respected in his society.
A planetary combination formed by Moon when it is not flanked by any planet on any of its sides. Sun is excluded from this combination. It is also required for Moon to form this combination, that no planet should be placed in a cardinal house in the horoscope.It makes the individual devoid of any education and intelligence. He suffers from penury and meets many difficulties in life.
When Jupiter and Moon are mutually Kendra this yoga is formed. More so when Jupiter is in Kendra, 7th to Moon(bright period Moon) this yoga is formed. Wealth, name and fame are formed.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Ascendant and the lords of 8th, 9th and 10th houses occupying their own signs. It makes the individual support his family members and other relations. He becomes personally rich, happy and lives for long.
A planetary combination produced by benefices in 5th, 6th, and 7th houses either in exaltation, own signs, or those of friendly planets, or in the navamsa of friendly planets. Alternatively, it is formed if the benefics are in Ascendant, 3rd, and 11th houses occupying exaltation, own signs, or their Mool Trikona positions. Persons born under this yoga become leaders, very renowned, charitable, helpful, and they lead a very happy life.
The planetary combination formed by Saturn occupying the 10th house, Venus placed in a cardinal house with fixed signs and a weak Moon in a trine house. Alternatively, Jupiter should be in Ascendant, Moon in the 7th and Sun occupying 8th position from Moon (that is, in the 2nd house in this situation). Persons born with this combination belong to an aristocratic family, they attain high status in the society, and possess charitable disposition and enjoy unblemished glory.
A planetary combination formed by all planets consecutively placed from 4th to 10th houses. It makes the individual dwell in forests or mountainous regions, they are very cruel in temperament.
A planetary combination formed by a strong lord of the Ascendant, the lord of the 9th in its own, exaltation or is trine sign occupying a cardinal house. Persons born under it are graceful, religious, wealthy, accomplished, famous, and enjoy high status in the society. Their offspring's are very bright.
A planetary combination constituted by the lord of the 10th house posited in Ascendant along with Venus and the lord of 11th house occupying the 11th house itself. The combination makes the individual born under it very attractive and highly placed in political circles. He begins prospering at an early age of twenty years.
A planetary combination formed by Moon associated with Rahu, and aspected by Jupiter conjunct with a malefic. It leads the individual, even if highly intellectual and well placed in society, to indulge in mean behavior and acts.
Planetary combinations which indicate maturity of the soul. These are formed if any of the five luminaries, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus, possessed of strength occupies its own, exaltation, or friendly sign identical with cardinal houses. These planets produce five kinds of illustrous personages, and the combinations are known as Sasa, Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, and Malavya yogas formed by Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, respectively. These combinations induce the individual to liberate himself from involuntary actions and to direct one's conscious efforts towards certain specific goals in his life.
A planetary combination formed by the lords of the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses posited in their respective signs. It bestows high administrative status on the individual and makes him a minister, a royal treasurer, or a leader of the people. His fortune brightens after the age of 33 years.
One of the 5 planetary combinations for human greatness, Panch Maha Purusha Yoga, formed by Venus in exaltation or occupation of its own sign and situated in a cardinal house. It makes the person the head of a cultural organization, gives him a life-span of 70 years. The individual dies at a sacred place, practicing yoga and penance.
The individual with Malavya Yoga possesses a graceful appearance with the luster of Moon. He has a narrow waist, attractive lips, long hands, deep voice, and well-formed teeth. He lives happily up to a ripe old age.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in a trine house from Venus, Moon in 5th from Jupiter, and Sun in a cardinal house in respect with Moon. The combination makes the person very rich and a successful businessman.
A planetary combination formed by malefic and benefics both occupying the 5th house, malefic in Ascendant and in 9th house, and a malefic in either the 4th or the 8th house from the Ascendant. A person born under this combination is compassionate, religious, intelligent and renowned.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of Navamsa lord of the 8th house in an auspicious sign along with some auspicious planet, and the lord of the 9th house in exaltation. It makes the individual respected, rich, immensely charitable, and powerful in personality.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in the 9th house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house, a benefic posited in the 9th house from Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house from the Ascendant. A person born in this combination possesses farms and forests, becomes a leader of tribal people, and is erudite. He is learned, yet cruel by temperament. His prosperity begins quite early in life.
A planetary combination formed by all planets placed in fixed signs or alternatively, Rahu in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house in exaltation and expected by Saturn. It makes the person born under it very rich with immovable assets. He becomes an advisor to the government or a powerful commercial organization or he occupies a high status in administration.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in the 9th house, lord of the 9th house in the llth from Jupiter, i.e., 7th from Ascendant, and Moon associated with Jupiter. The combination bestows on the individual born under it auspicious events in life, especially after the age of 25 years. He also receives many honors from the State and accumulates huge wealth.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Navamsa sign of the 10th house lord occupying the 10th house along with the Ascendant lord. An individual born under it receives his education specially after the age of 16 years. He finally receives state honors and riches. By temperament he is polite.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of the lord of 9th house in 3rd house inspected by Jupiter. It makes the individual physically well proportioned, good-natured and learned. His prosperity increases after the age of 6 years.
A planetary combination used in Tajaka system. It relates to the relationship between planets with different motions in close association. If the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the house whose result is being studied do not have mutual aspect but there is a fast-moving planet in between them, then the fast-moving planet in between them transfers the benefic influence of the anterior planet to the forward one.
A planetary combination formed the exaltation of the lord of the Navamsa sign in which the lord of the 9th house is placed and is in association with the Ascendant lord. It makes the individual powerful after 7 years of age. He receives many state honours and is interested in the scriptures.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of the lord of the 5th house in the 9th house while the lord of the 11th house occupies the 2nd house along with Moon. The combination makes the individual very creative and an excellent orator.
A planetary combination formed by two planets in each of the two signs and one planet in each of the three signs. It bestows affluence and long life.
A planetary combination formed by the Ascendant lord and Jupiter placed in the 4th house, Moon associated with the lord of the 7th house, and the Ascendant aspected by a benefic. An individual born under this combination is very charitable, rich, well-proportioned yet stocky in constitution. He gains repute after the age of 33 years.
A planetary combination formed by all planets occupying consecutively the first seven houses without any gap. It makes the individual earn his livelihood from professions connected with navigation, fishing, import-export, and international commerce.
The planetary combination for the cancellation of adverse effects of a debilitated planet. The cancellation enables the person to attain the status of a king. The combination is formed in several ways, such as (i) a planet at birth in its depression has the lord of that sign, or that of its exaltation sign in a cardinal house either with respect to ascendant or Moon sign (ii) the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the depressed planet at birth posited in a cardinal house, or in a trine house with respect to the Ascendant while the Ascendant lord itself is in a Navamsa owned by a movable sign.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of Navamsa sign of Ascendant associated with the lord of Moon sign and the lord of the 10th house aspecting it. An individual born under this combination occupies a very high status in society and is much renowned. The Yoga fructifies early in life.
A planetary combination formed by planets, other than Moon, situated on both sides of Sun. It makes the individual well proportioned, handsome, skilled and effective in many undertakings, full of enthusiasm, tolerant, and balanced in approach even to complicated problems. Such a person is affluent like a king, enjoys good health and possesses all good things in life.
A planetary combination formed by the lords of the 9th house from Ascendant and from Moon situated together in the 7th house from Venus. Individuals born with this stellar configuration are very happy, live in luxury and are engaged in auspicious activities. After the age of fifteen years, they are granted favors by the state and elders.
A planetary combination produced by all planets in the 4th and 10th houses. It makes the individual a bearer of messages, he may even be an ambassador. He would be quarrelsome and always traveling.
Planetary combinations formed by non-luminaries, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn in their own sign or in exaltation, occupying a cardinal house. Each of these nonluminaries forms the yoga singly, and each of them has a separate name and effect. Ruchaka yoga is formed by such a placement of Mars, Bhadra by Mercury, Hamsa by Jupiter, Malavya by Venus, and Sasa Yoga by Saturn.
This means exchange of mutual houses. Any two lords may exchange their houses. Of them when the lord of 9th, this can confer very good results. If the lords of 5 and 10 exchange or 7 and 10 exchange or 5 and 9 exchange very good results can be seen. Even when the lord of 10 is in 9 or 9 th in 10th this yoga is formed partially. Even in cases where the lord of 10th hag aspect of the lord of 5 or 9 this yoga can form to an extent.
Ruchaka Yoga: Strong physique, well versed in ancient love, conforms to tradition and customs, and becomes famous. Such an individual also becomes wealthy, lives for long, and leads a group of men or an army.
Bhadra Yoga: Strong physique with a lion-like face. The individual is helpful to relatives and attains a high intellectual eminence.
Hamsa Yoga: A righteous person, graceful in appearance, considerate, devoted to gods and higher life, and ritualistic in religious observances.
Malavya Yoga: Essentially a family person, preoccupied with domestic responsibilities and surrounded by children and grandchildren. He possesses personal vehicle, residential house, and other necessities of life.
Sasa Yoga: Sensuous, occultist, leader of non-traditional and anti-social elements. Fearless and capable of performing arduous deeds.
Malefic planets flanking any house or a planet. It destroys the auspicious nature of the same and imparts malefic influence. The house or the planet thus afflicted does not prosper.
A planetary combination related with the position of the Ascendant lord. If the lord of the sign where the Ascendant lord is situated, or if the lord of the navamsa where the lord of the sign in which the Ascendant lord is situated is placed in a cardinal or trine house, Parijata Yoga is formed. It makes the person born under it a sovereign, destined to be happy during the middle or the later part of his life. Such a person is respected by other kings. He is fond of wars, possesses immense wealth, is mindful of his duties towards the state, and is compassionate in disposition.
Planetary combination for asceticism. Some important ascetic yogas are as follows:
(1) Four or more planets in strength occupying a single house with Raja Yoga present in the horoscope (2) The lord of Moon sign with no aspect on itself, aspects Saturn or Saturn aspects the lord of the sign occupied by Moon which is also weak (3) Moon occupies drekkana of Saturn and is expected by it. Such an individual renounces the world and mundane relationships (4) Moon occupies the navamsa of Saturn or Mars, and is expected by Saturn. Such a person is disenchanted with mundane existence and leads the life of a recluse (5) Jupiter, Moon and the Ascendant expected by Saturn, and Jupiter occupying the 9th house in the horoscope make a person born in Raja Yoga a holy and illustrious founder of a system of philosophy (6) Saturn unaccepted by a planet occupies the 9th House and there is Raja Yoga in the horoscope. The combination will make the individual enter a, holy order and become a lord of men.
Planetary combinations of this name are of two kinds. First, benefics in a cardinal house from Ascendant, and 6th and 8th houses either posited by benefics or vacant. Second, the Ascendant lord and the 12th house lord both in cardinal houses from each other, and expected by friendly planets. Persons born under these combinations are very fortunate, fond of learning different subjects, charitable and considerate. They become political or social leaders. They, however, have a great attraction for women.
Individuals born under it earn much money and are very skilled, and respected.
Planetary combinations leading to servitude formed
(1) when Sun is in the 10th house, Moon is in the 7th, Saturn in the 4th, Mars in the 3rd and the Ascendant is in a cardinal sign while Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house. Persons born under this combination during night will be a servant of another person (2) If Venus occupies the 9th house, Moon the 7th house, Mars the 8th, and Jupiter owns the 2nd house or the Ascendant while the Ascendant is in a fixed sign. The person born in this combination lives always in servitude (3) When a person is born during nighttime and has the lord of the movable rising sign in Sandhi and a malefic planet occupies a cardinal house (4) Jupiter attains Iravathamsa and occupies a Sandhi, and Moon is not situated in a cardinal house but possesses Uttam-varga and Venus is in the rising sign and birth is in the night time during the dark half of a lunar month. The person is born as a menial (5) if at the time of birth of a person, Mars, Jupiter, and Sun occupy, respectively, the Sandhis of 6th, 4th, and 10th Bhavas, or (6) If Moon while occupying the Amsa (q.v.) of a malefic planet is in a Benefic sign, or (7) When Jupiter is in Capricorn occupying the 6th, 8th, or the 12th bhava, and Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign, -the individual born will have to work at the biddings of others.
Planetary combinations which produce affluence, wealth, and royal status. Some important Rajya Yogas are listed below:
(1) Mutual relationship between Karakamsa and Ascendant.
(2) Ascendant, 2nd, and 4th houses associated with benefics and the 3rd house occupied by a malefic.
(3) The 2nd house occupied by any of the planets,Moon, Jupiter, Venus, or a strong Mercury occupying their own signs.
(4) Debilitated planets in 6th, 8th and 3rd houses, while the Ascendant lord occupies its own or its exaltation sign in Ascendant.
(5) Lord of the 10th house while occupying its own or its exaltation sign aspects the Ascendant.
(6) All the benefics occupy cardinal houses.
(7) Debilitated lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses aspect the Ascendant.
(8) Any relationship between the lords of the 5th and 9th houses.
(9) The association of the lords of the 5th, 10th, and 4th houses and Ascendant with the lord of the 9th house.
(10) Lord of the 5th house in association with the lord of the 9th house or with the Ascendant lord in the 1st, 4th, or the 10th house.
(11) Venus associated with Jupiter in the 9th house if it happens to be the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces, or with the lord of the 5th house.
(12) Moon in the 3rd or 11th house, and Venus placed. in the 7th house from it.
Many other benefic combinations such as Gaja Kesari Yoga, Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga and Lakshmi Yoga are also important Rajya Yogas.
An auspicious combination formed by Moon and Ascendant in Vargottama Navamsa, and four or more planets expecting them. It makes the individual head of a state or its equivalent.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in movable signs. The combination makes the individual born under it to settle in a foreign country. He is generally unjust and engages in illegal activities.
A planetary combination constituted by the lord of the 12th house in exaltation, and Venus posited in the 12th house and aspected by the lord of the 4th house. Persons born under it attain the status of head of state. They may find wealth buried under the earth.
A combination of planets formed by Sun in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house in 3rd house along with Saturn. It makes the individual born with this combination a Scientist who attains a powerful status in administration. He eats very little, is much occupied with his studies, and is greatly respected.
A planetary combination leading to poverty. It arises when a weak lord of Ascendant is aspected by the lord of the 8th house, and Jupiter is combust by Sun. Alternatively, if the lord of Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house is obscured by Sun while Sun itself is aspected by the lord of the 12th house.
An inauspicious planetary combination described variously in classical texts. It is formed by all the planets in the 1st and 7th houses which make the individual accept low professions. It also occurs when Jupiter occupies the 6th or 8th position from Moon posited in a house other than the cardinal houses in relation with the Ascendant. It brings poverty even to those born in a royal family. Such a person is troubled throughout his life and is disliked by the head of the state. Moon in the 12th, 8th or 6th house from Jupiter causes Sakata Yoga unless Moon is situated in a cardinal house. A person with this combination loses his wealth or position in life, but regains them. Sakata Yoga produces cyclic fluctuation in fortune, just like the wheel of a chariot, rotating on its axis.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 9th house, along with Jupiter in the 2nd house. It makes the individual a top-ranking administrative officer living in luxury.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in even houses such as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc., while odd houses, such as the 1st, 3rd, etc., are vacant. It bestows much renown on the individual and he is provided with all conveniences of life.
Depending upon the number of signs occupied by the seven planets Sankhya Yoga is formed. The different combinations formed by the number of houses occupied are given different names,(a) Vina Yoga (seven signs occupied); (b) Dama Yoga (six signs occupied); (c) Pasha Yoga (five signs occupied); (d) Kedar Yoga (four signs occupied); (e) Shula Yoga (three signs occupied); (f) Yuga Yoga (two signs occupied); and (g) Gola Yoga (one sign occupied). These combinations produce results when any other yoga formed by such combinations like Chap Yoga, Kshetri Yoga, Nav Yoga, etc. do not occur.
One of the Panch Maha Purusha Yogas. It is produced by a strong Saturn occupying a cardinal house while occupying its own or its exaltation sign. It makes the individual command many retinues. His libidinous proclivity is unbridled. He commands over a region. He is psychologically at a point where a radical transformation in his attitude is imminent; disenchantment with sex life could lead him towards spirituality. He may turn out to be a desire- less philanthropist.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th houses. It makes the individual lazy and devoid of wealth and happiness but he acquires great skill in arguing for criminal litigants.
A planetary combination formed in 2 ways,(i) the lords of the 5th and 6th houses in cardinal houses from one another, while the Ascendant is strong, and (ii) the lords of the ascendant and the 10th house placed in movable signs while the lord of the 9th house is strong. These combinations make the individual born under them, well versed in scriptures, a man of principles and ethics, and engaged in laudable activities. Such individuals have a long life.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of all planets in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. It makes the individual born under it cruel and related with prisons.
A planetary combination formed in two ways, (i) the lord of the 10th house posited in the 5th house, Mercury placed in a cardinal house, and Sun either in its own sign or in a very strong position, and (ii) Jupiter situated in a trine house from Moon, and Mars in a trine house from Mercury. Under these combinations, an individual becomes well behaved, dutiful, God-fearing and is honored by the state.
A planetary combination constituted by Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, provided Mercury is not associated with any malefic, in Upachaya house from Ascendant or with Moon. It produces possibilities for the individual to become a billionaire.
Planet in 12th to Sun this yoga is formed, Nmae and fame are indicated
A planet other than Moon occupying the 2nd house from Sun sign produces Vesi Yoga; a similar occupation in the 12th house leads to Vasi Yoga. When Sun sign is flanked by planets other than Moon on both sides, it produces Obhayachari Yoga. Persons born under Vesi Yoga are truthful, lazy, unbiased and rich. Vasi Yoga produces individuals skilled in many arts; they are charitable, strong, learned, renowned and glorious.
A planetary combination formed by Mars either exalted or placed in the 10th house, exalted Sun in the 2nd house, and Moon along with Jupiter in the 9th house. It enables the individual born under the combination to get an adorable wife and lead a happy personal life. He will be rich and will occupy a high status in life.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of 11th house in exaltation along with Venus occupying a cardinal house in relation with the house occupied by the Ascendant lord. It makes the individual charitable, affluent, and enables him to occupy a high status in life.
A combination formed by the lords of the 9th and 10th houses as well as the lord of the Navamsa sign lord of the 9th posited in the 2nd house. It makes the individual favored in an important way by the state. By nature, he is patient, is erudite, skilled in debating and is an engaging conversationalist. He becomes rich and lives for long.
A planetary combination formed by all malefic in 1st and 7th houses and all benefics in 4th and 10th houses. It makes the individual courageous and his mid-span of life is very happy.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 4th in 9th along with some benefic and Jupiter expecting it. A person born under this combination receives valuable gifts from the state and from persons in authority, and leads a happy and affluent life.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in Ascendant, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses. It makes the individual religious, charitable, generous, and he performs many important rites.
Find below a list of such yogas arranged in alphabetical order for your convenience.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by benefices in the 6th, 7th and 8th houses from the Moon sign while Mercury is not combust and Jupiter does not form Sakata yoga. It makes an individual polite, trustworthy, affluent and capable of defeating his adversaries.
A planetary combination producing a long life of affluence formed by Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius or Taurus as Ascendant, making Jupiter rule either the 5th or the 11th house in a natal chart.
An auspicious planetary combination formed in two ways,(1) all cardinal houses occupied by all malefic, or by all benefices. Here, the native owns landed property and real estate, and in the latter case, he becomes rich and affluent; (2) Sun in Aries or in Leo occupies the Ascendant, or any other cardinal or trine house while Moon is in exaltation or in its own sign, i.e., in Cancer or Taurus, and Jupiter and Venus occupy the 8th or 12th house in the natal chart. This yoga nullifies all evils in the horoscope.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 7th house placed in the 9th house, and the lord of the 9th in the 7th house while both these planets are strong. It bestows to the native long arms, big eyes, knowledge of law and religious scriptures. His wife is faithful to him and he leads a pure and moral life.
A planet other than the Sun occupying the 12th house from the Moon constitutes Anapha yoga. Mars in this position makes the person powerful, self-controlled and a leader of persons engaged in undesirable activities. Mercury makes him proficient in oratory, and absorbing conversations, and skilled in social arts. Jupiter makes the native a serious-minded, righteous person spending money on charity. Venus makes the person a womanizer yet respected by persons in authority. Saturn leads to disenchantment, and the nodes, to perversity. The Moon under the yoga bestows well-formed organs, good manners and self-respect.
Planetary combination between Saturn and Mars. It produces serious afflictions.
A planetary combination under which all planets occupy consecutive houses leaving the intervening cardinal houses vacant. The individual under this combination is happy, handsome, and is provided with much ornaments, gems and jewels.
Planetary combinations producing misfortune. These combinations nullify auspicious results and produce hardships. Some of these combinations are:
(i) Malefic associated with the 6th, 8th and 12th houses or their lords; (ii) Malefic aspects on a weak Moon (iii) Sun, Mars, and Saturn in the 5th house (iv) Mars, Saturn, or Sun in the 8th house (v) malefic aspect on weak Ascendant lord, Sun or Moon (vi) Sun, Mars, Rahu and Saturn in Ascendant (vii) exchange of signs between Jupiter and Mars (viii) Mars and Saturn in the 2nd house while Rahu occupies the 3rd house (ix) Rahu in the 4th, and Moon in the 6th or 8th house x) Mars in the 7th, Venus in the 8th and Sun in the 9th house (xi) Malefic in the 7th and 12th houses (xii) Jupiter, Sun, Rahu and Mars occupy signs of malefic Planets while Venus is in the 7th house (xiii) lord of Ascendant associated with a malefic or flanked by two malefics, and a malefic positioned in the 7th house (xiv) Saturn in the 8th house, Moon in Ascendant, or Venus and Moon in the 6th or 8th House (xv) Moon and Mercury in the 6th or 8th house.
When Rahu is in 6th and Jupiter in Kendra this is formed. Wealthy condition and happiness is seen.
A planetary combination formed by (i) the Ascendant occupying a cardinal Sign,and Venus and Jupiter in 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th houses, and (iii) Saturn in exaltation. The combination bestows spiritual blessings uplifting the individual's mind and heart enabling him to attain mystic awareness and inner wisdom. He becomes an erudite and deep student of religious and esoteric literature with psychic susceptibilities. The combination also bestows high status in society, renown for meritorious deeds and pilgrimages to religious and historical places.
A planetary combination under which all benefices are located in the 1st and 7th houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual good-natured and lucky during the whole of his life.
One of the five combinations under Pancha Mahapurushayoga. Mercury in exaltation or in its own sign occupying a cardinal house either from Ascendant or from the Moon produces Bhadrayoga. The combination produces gracious behavior.
Another kind of Bhadrayoga is formed by the Moon and Jupiter placed in the 2nd house, the lord of the 2nd house in the 11th house, and the Ascendant lord associated with benefices. The combination makes the person learned, intelligent, capable of understanding the feelings of others. He is skilled in many arts.
A planetary combination formed by Mercury placed in the 2nd from Sun, Moon 11th from Mercury, and Jupiter in a trine house from the Moon. A person born under this combination is courageous, powerful, learned, has deep knowledge of religious scriptures, mathematics and classical music.
A planetary combination formed by Moon in the 10th house, the navamsa lord of Moon in exaltation, and the lord of the 9th house associated with the lord of the 2nd house. This combination makes a person rich, respected and learned. He may be renowned as a botanist and a collector of artifacts.
The planetary combination which is formed in 3 ways: (i) all planets occupy the Ascendant, in the 2nd, 7th, and 10th houses (ii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant are placed in a cardinal house from the Ascendant, and the lord of the 9th house is strong (iii) Venus and the lord of Ascendant and Jupiter are in mutual angles and the lord of the 9th house is strong. All these combinations make the individual learned in scientific subjects, practical in mundane affairs, and well provided with wealth and luxuries of life.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 5th or 9th house from the sign where the Navamsa lord of Rahu is posited occupying its own sign and expected by Mars. The combination makes the individual born under it victorious in warfare and bestows on him high military status.
A planetary combination formed by Rahu in the 10th,lord of the 10th house in Ascendant, and Ascendant lord in the 9th house. It makes the individual the administrator of a region. He commands an army and is very respected. Alternatively, all planets in odd houses beginning with Ascendant also produce Chakra Yoga. It bestows high social status to the individual.
A planetary combination in which the Ascendant lord in exaltation is placed in a cardinal house aspected by Jupiter. Alternatively, if two benefices occupy the Ascendant, the 7th, 9th or 10th houses, Chamar Yoga is formed. It makes the individual wise, philosophical and a good orator. Such an individual is generally born in a royal family.
A planetary combination constituted by an exalted planet in ascendant expected by Mars, while the lord of the 9th house is placed in the 3rd house. It makes the individual administer, an adviser, or the commander of an army. The individual is courageous and lives for more than six decades.
When Mars is in 7th or in combination with Moon, this yoga is formed. This indicates more landed properties, reputation, and wealth for the native. Restlessness and worry is also there.
A planetary combination in which the Ascendant is occupied by the lord of the sign in which the 9th lord is also placed while Mars is posited in the 5th house. Persons born under it are powerful, attain a high social status in life but do not have male issues.
It is a planetary combination in which all planets occupy the 10th to the 4th houses. Persons born under it are expert thieves, and are socially despised. Chapa Yoga is also formed if the Sun is in Aquarius, Mars in Aries, and Jupiter in its own sign, which makes the individual a globetrotter.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in a cardinal house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house, Venus in a cardinal house in respect of the sign occupied by the lord of the 11th house, and the Ascendant lord and the lord of the 10th house themselves placed in the cardinal houses. This combination makes the individual erudite and successful in his undertakings and much respected. He is well provided with material possessions and lives a very long life.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by all planets, benefices as well as malefics, occupying cardinal houses. It bestows wealth, affluence, and high status in life. Such a person becomes famous even after death.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in the first seven houses of the chart. It makes the individual very happy from the beginning of his life till the very end.
An auspicious planetary combination formed in several ways. If Venus aspects Jupiter placed in the 3rd house, while the lord of the 3rd is in exaltation, Danda Yoga is formed. Alternatively, it takes place when all planets are placed only in Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces signs. Danda Yoga makes a person respected, very rich, an able administrator, and a pious person.
An inauspicious combination under the name is formed when all planets occupy only the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses. Iit makes the individual depraved, dependent on others for livelihood, and discarded by his kith and kin.
Planetary combination producing indigence and personal infirmities.They are:
(i) Jupiter as lord of the 8th house or the 1st house exceeds the strength of the lord of the 9th house, and the lord of the 11th house is neither placed in a cardinal house nor is combust (ii) Debilitated and combust Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, or Mercury occupies the 11th, 6th, 12th, 8th or the 5th Bhava(iii) Saturn in 9th house aspected by malefic planets while Mercury is associated with the Sun and occupies the Ascendant and has Pisces Navamsa (iv) Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Mars occupy in any order 8th, 6th, 12th, 5th, and 10th Bhavas, and the lord of the 12th house, weakened by Sun's aspect, has greater strength than the Ascendant lord (v) Depressed Venus, Jupiter, Moon, and Mars occupy any four of the 1st, 10st, 11th, 6th, 7th , and 8th Bhavas (vi) Venus in Ascendant in its debilitation sign, while Jupiter, Mars, and Moon are also in debilitation (vii) The Ascendant is in a cardinal sign, while the rising Navamsa is aspected by Saturn and depressed Jupiter (viii) if Jupiter is in the 6th or the 8th Bhava in a sign not belonging to itself (ix) Ascendant in a fixed sign, malefic in cardinal and trine houses in strength, and angles devoid of benefices (x) Night time birth, Ascendant in a cardinal sign, weak benefics occupy angles and trine, and malefic not in cardinal houses
Persons born in Daridra Yoga suffer deprivations of different intensities and meet unlucky and trying conditions of life.They earn by foul means. Their social life is dishonourable. They meet unexpected failures in life.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in Ascendant, Venus in 4th house, Mercury in the 7th, and Mars in the 10th house. It makes an individual very affluent and generous.
A planetary combination formed by Ascendant placed in a fixed sign, Ascendant lord in 11th, the lord of 11th in Ascendant, and the lords of 2nd and 10th houses in mutual exchange. This combination is powerful in making the individual extremely beautiful, loved by pretty women, owner of vast wealth and villas. He attains a very high social status.
A planetary combination constituted by the occupancy of Jupiter and Venus along with the lord of the 2nd in the 9th house. It makes the person very pious, fond of warfare, chivalrous, and the commander of an army. He also becomes rich and charitable.
The name of planetary combinations constituted by planets situated on either side of Moon. They generally produce affluence such as wealth, comforts in life, and high social status. Sun and the nodes must not be involved in this combination. If Moon is flanked by Mars and Mercury the combination makes the individual cruel, greedy, fond of old women, and a liar. Mars and Jupiter in the position make the individual renowned, clever, rich and a defender of others from adversaries. Venus and Mars make the individual fond of warfare, rigorous physical exertion, and courageous deeds. With Saturn and Mars, the individual becomes an expert in sexual art, accumulates much money, indulges in a fast life, and is surrounded by enemies. The combination of Jupiter and Mercury bestows religiosity, knowledge of scriptures, all round affluence and renown. Mercury and Venus in the situation make the individual beautiful, attractive, affluent, courageous, and the recipient of high official status. Moon in between Saturn and Mercury enables the individual to travel to different countries in pursuit of wealth. Jupiter and Venus make the individual patient, intelligent, balanced, and ethical, he acquires jewels, renown, and good administrative position. When Venus and Saturn form the combination, they enable the individual to acquire an aged wife from a respectable family, they make the individual skilled in many trades, loved by women, and respected by government officials. Saturn and Jupiter flanking Moon create much difficulties in the personal life of the individual, he is often surrounded by scandals, difficulties, and litigation, though from these he emerges unscathed.
Durudhara Yoga makes the individual endowed with much physical comfort, wealth, loyal helpers, and sincere followers, but towards the end in the individual's life there arises a strong impulse for renouncing the worldly possessions.
A planetary combination formed by all the malefic placed in the 8th house and all benefices in the Ascendant. Under this combination, a leader is born in this combination.
The planetary combination in which all planets occupy different houses in a sequential manner. It makes the individual an emperor.
A planetary combination formed in two ways: Moon posited in 2nd house along with Jupiter and Venus, or the lord of 9th house aspecting them and (ii) all planets, excluding the nodes are posited in adjoining cardinal houses. Gada Yoga makes the individual engaged in philanthropic and religious activities but fierce in appearance and free from any enemy. He earns much money. He is also happily married.
A planetary combination in which the lord of the 7th house from Ascendant, which would be 9th from the 11th house, is in the 11th house along with Moon, and the lord of the 11th house aspects them. A person born under this combination is always happy, rich, religious, and lives in luxurious style.
An auspicious planetary combination formed by certain relationships between Moon and Jupiter. It postulates that Jupiter must be in an angle from Moon or the Ascendant or that benefics such as Venus, Jupiter, and Mercury without being debilitated or combust, aspect the Moon. An alternative condition is that Jupiter in a quadrant from the Ascendant or Moon is in association with or expected by benefics which are neither combust nor posited in the 6th house. The combination makes the individual bright, affluent, intelligent, accomplished and favored by the government. This yoga is both protective from evil consequences of other maleficent as well as productive of auspicious results.
The planetary combination formed by exaltation of the lord of the Ascendant, and strong Jupiter placed in its Mool Trikona in association with the lord of the 2nd house. It makes the individual hail from an elite family and bestows upon him happiness, attractive appearance, and high social standing.
A planetary combination relating Jupiter and Rahu. When these two planets are associated together in a house, it produces inauspicious results. It makes the individual depraved and inclined to indulge in socially and morally unethical activities.
It arises when all the planets are located in a group of triangular houses other than the Ascendant.According to another version, all planets occupying the 5th and 9th houses also give rise to Halayoga. Persons born under this combination are engaged in agricultural activities in an important way.
One of the five Maha Purusha Yogas formed by Jupiter in exaltation or in its own sign and in strength occupying a cardinal house either from Ascendant or from the Moon sign. It makes the person fortunate, well built and having the voice of a swan. He gets a beautiful wife and possesses all comfort. He is religiously inclined and favourably disposed towards spiritual studies. The combination is said to bestow a life of more than 82 years.
Refers to 3 sets of planetary combinations: (i) Benefics placed in the 2nd, 8th, and 12th houses from the sign in which the lord of the 2nd house is placed (ii) Jupiter, Moon, and Mercury posited in the 4th, 9th, and 8th houses from the sign where the lord of the 7th house is situated (iii) the Sun, Venus and Mars in the 4th, 10th, or 11 house from the Ascendant lord. These combinations make the individual truthful, effective speaker, victorious, well-versed in religious scriptures, and philanthropic.
The planetary combination formed by Mars in a cardinal house and Rahu in the 7th. It leads the individual to self-destruction.
A term used in annual forecasting. It is formed by all the planets placed in Panphara houses. It produces many desired events during the year.
An inauspicious planetary combination.The seven planets (excluding Rahu and Ketu) in a progressed horoscope based on solar ingress principle, situated in Apoklima houses produce obstacles and thereby nullify the fructification of an auspicious combination that may otherwise be present.
A planetary combination that produces contradictory results: persons born under the combination are courageous, virile, commanding a well-equipped army, and ruling over an extensive area, yet they are intellectually foolish, ignorant.This combination is constituted in several ways: the lords of 9th and 4th houses should be in mutual angles and the lord of the Ascendant should be strong. The combination is also formed if the lord of the 4th occupies its exaltation or own sign and is expected by or is in conjunction with the 10th lord.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in 2nd or 5th house, Mercury and Venus expecting or combining with it. An individual born under it is honored by many heads of state. He becomes affluent, accomplished, healthy and occupies a very high position in life.
When all planets are between Rahu and Ketu this yoga is formed. Even though favorable planets are placed between them or in own house this has force. This is a bad yoga. Generally first half of life will be in struggles.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th houses which makes the individual born under it renowned, happy and accomplished in many arts.
A planetary combination produced by Ithasala relationship between the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the 10th house, especially when one of them is associated with Moon.
The Kamboola Yoga is of 3 kind, Shrestha (the best), Madhyama (ordinary) and Adhama (the worst) depending upon the strength of the planets concerned.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of 10th house placed in 9th house, the lord of 2nd in Ascendant, and the 2nd and 10th houses posited by benefics. An individual born under this combination is charitable but very materialistic in his approach to life. He seeks enjoyment of all kinds of physical comforts and a luxurious life.
A planetary combination formed by one, two or three malefic planets unaspected by any benefic, and posited simultaneously in 2-12, 3-11, or 4-10 houses. It produces the possibility of imprisonment, or detention. Similar results also occur if malefics occupy 12th and 9th houses.
A planetary combination that produces contradictory results: persons born under the combination are courageous, virile, commanding a well-equipped army, and ruling over an extensive area, yet they are intellectually foolish, ignorant and devoid of common and garden guts. This combination is constituted in several ways: the most popular version lays down that the lords of 9th and 4th houses should be in mutual angles and the lord of the Ascendant should be strong. The combination is also formed if the lord of the 4th occupies its exaltation or own sign and is expected by or is in conjunction with the 10th lord.A person born under it is prosperous, respectful, benevolent, and God-fearing, happy, charitable and regal in demeanor.
A planetary combination formed by all planets occupying four houses in a natal chart. It makes the individual ever ready to wage a righteous war, undertake a righteous mission, follow traditional religious practices and be humble, patient, philanthropic, interested in agriculture and respected in his society.
A planetary combination formed by Moon when it is not flanked by any planet on any of its sides. Sun is excluded from this combination. It is also required for Moon to form this combination, that no planet should be placed in a cardinal house in the horoscope.It makes the individual devoid of any education and intelligence. He suffers from penury and meets many difficulties in life.
When Jupiter and Moon are mutually Kendra this yoga is formed. More so when Jupiter is in Kendra, 7th to Moon(bright period Moon) this yoga is formed. Wealth, name and fame are formed.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Ascendant and the lords of 8th, 9th and 10th houses occupying their own signs. It makes the individual support his family members and other relations. He becomes personally rich, happy and lives for long.
A planetary combination produced by benefices in 5th, 6th, and 7th houses either in exaltation, own signs, or those of friendly planets, or in the navamsa of friendly planets. Alternatively, it is formed if the benefics are in Ascendant, 3rd, and 11th houses occupying exaltation, own signs, or their Mool Trikona positions. Persons born under this yoga become leaders, very renowned, charitable, helpful, and they lead a very happy life.
The planetary combination formed by Saturn occupying the 10th house, Venus placed in a cardinal house with fixed signs and a weak Moon in a trine house. Alternatively, Jupiter should be in Ascendant, Moon in the 7th and Sun occupying 8th position from Moon (that is, in the 2nd house in this situation). Persons born with this combination belong to an aristocratic family, they attain high status in the society, and possess charitable disposition and enjoy unblemished glory.
A planetary combination formed by all planets consecutively placed from 4th to 10th houses. It makes the individual dwell in forests or mountainous regions, they are very cruel in temperament.
A planetary combination formed by a strong lord of the Ascendant, the lord of the 9th in its own, exaltation or is trine sign occupying a cardinal house. Persons born under it are graceful, religious, wealthy, accomplished, famous, and enjoy high status in the society. Their offspring's are very bright.
A planetary combination constituted by the lord of the 10th house posited in Ascendant along with Venus and the lord of 11th house occupying the 11th house itself. The combination makes the individual born under it very attractive and highly placed in political circles. He begins prospering at an early age of twenty years.
A planetary combination formed by Moon associated with Rahu, and aspected by Jupiter conjunct with a malefic. It leads the individual, even if highly intellectual and well placed in society, to indulge in mean behavior and acts.
Planetary combinations which indicate maturity of the soul. These are formed if any of the five luminaries, namely, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and Venus, possessed of strength occupies its own, exaltation, or friendly sign identical with cardinal houses. These planets produce five kinds of illustrous personages, and the combinations are known as Sasa, Ruchaka, Bhadra, Hamsa, and Malavya yogas formed by Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, and Venus, respectively. These combinations induce the individual to liberate himself from involuntary actions and to direct one's conscious efforts towards certain specific goals in his life.
A planetary combination formed by the lords of the 2nd, 7th, 9th and 11th houses posited in their respective signs. It bestows high administrative status on the individual and makes him a minister, a royal treasurer, or a leader of the people. His fortune brightens after the age of 33 years.
One of the 5 planetary combinations for human greatness, Panch Maha Purusha Yoga, formed by Venus in exaltation or occupation of its own sign and situated in a cardinal house. It makes the person the head of a cultural organization, gives him a life-span of 70 years. The individual dies at a sacred place, practicing yoga and penance.
The individual with Malavya Yoga possesses a graceful appearance with the luster of Moon. He has a narrow waist, attractive lips, long hands, deep voice, and well-formed teeth. He lives happily up to a ripe old age.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in a trine house from Venus, Moon in 5th from Jupiter, and Sun in a cardinal house in respect with Moon. The combination makes the person very rich and a successful businessman.
A planetary combination formed by malefic and benefics both occupying the 5th house, malefic in Ascendant and in 9th house, and a malefic in either the 4th or the 8th house from the Ascendant. A person born under this combination is compassionate, religious, intelligent and renowned.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of Navamsa lord of the 8th house in an auspicious sign along with some auspicious planet, and the lord of the 9th house in exaltation. It makes the individual respected, rich, immensely charitable, and powerful in personality.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in the 9th house from the sign occupied by the lord of the 9th house, a benefic posited in the 9th house from Jupiter and Saturn in the 10th house from the Ascendant. A person born in this combination possesses farms and forests, becomes a leader of tribal people, and is erudite. He is learned, yet cruel by temperament. His prosperity begins quite early in life.
A planetary combination formed by all planets placed in fixed signs or alternatively, Rahu in the 10th house, the lord of the 10th house in exaltation and expected by Saturn. It makes the person born under it very rich with immovable assets. He becomes an advisor to the government or a powerful commercial organization or he occupies a high status in administration.
A planetary combination formed by Jupiter in the 9th house, lord of the 9th house in the llth from Jupiter, i.e., 7th from Ascendant, and Moon associated with Jupiter. The combination bestows on the individual born under it auspicious events in life, especially after the age of 25 years. He also receives many honors from the State and accumulates huge wealth.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Navamsa sign of the 10th house lord occupying the 10th house along with the Ascendant lord. An individual born under it receives his education specially after the age of 16 years. He finally receives state honors and riches. By temperament he is polite.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of the lord of 9th house in 3rd house inspected by Jupiter. It makes the individual physically well proportioned, good-natured and learned. His prosperity increases after the age of 6 years.
A planetary combination used in Tajaka system. It relates to the relationship between planets with different motions in close association. If the lord of the Ascendant and the lord of the house whose result is being studied do not have mutual aspect but there is a fast-moving planet in between them, then the fast-moving planet in between them transfers the benefic influence of the anterior planet to the forward one.
A planetary combination formed the exaltation of the lord of the Navamsa sign in which the lord of the 9th house is placed and is in association with the Ascendant lord. It makes the individual powerful after 7 years of age. He receives many state honours and is interested in the scriptures.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of the lord of the 5th house in the 9th house while the lord of the 11th house occupies the 2nd house along with Moon. The combination makes the individual very creative and an excellent orator.
A planetary combination formed by two planets in each of the two signs and one planet in each of the three signs. It bestows affluence and long life.
A planetary combination formed by the Ascendant lord and Jupiter placed in the 4th house, Moon associated with the lord of the 7th house, and the Ascendant aspected by a benefic. An individual born under this combination is very charitable, rich, well-proportioned yet stocky in constitution. He gains repute after the age of 33 years.
A planetary combination formed by all planets occupying consecutively the first seven houses without any gap. It makes the individual earn his livelihood from professions connected with navigation, fishing, import-export, and international commerce.
The planetary combination for the cancellation of adverse effects of a debilitated planet. The cancellation enables the person to attain the status of a king. The combination is formed in several ways, such as (i) a planet at birth in its depression has the lord of that sign, or that of its exaltation sign in a cardinal house either with respect to ascendant or Moon sign (ii) the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the depressed planet at birth posited in a cardinal house, or in a trine house with respect to the Ascendant while the Ascendant lord itself is in a Navamsa owned by a movable sign.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of Navamsa sign of Ascendant associated with the lord of Moon sign and the lord of the 10th house aspecting it. An individual born under this combination occupies a very high status in society and is much renowned. The Yoga fructifies early in life.
A planetary combination formed by planets, other than Moon, situated on both sides of Sun. It makes the individual well proportioned, handsome, skilled and effective in many undertakings, full of enthusiasm, tolerant, and balanced in approach even to complicated problems. Such a person is affluent like a king, enjoys good health and possesses all good things in life.
A planetary combination formed by the lords of the 9th house from Ascendant and from Moon situated together in the 7th house from Venus. Individuals born with this stellar configuration are very happy, live in luxury and are engaged in auspicious activities. After the age of fifteen years, they are granted favors by the state and elders.
A planetary combination produced by all planets in the 4th and 10th houses. It makes the individual a bearer of messages, he may even be an ambassador. He would be quarrelsome and always traveling.
Planetary combinations formed by non-luminaries, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn in their own sign or in exaltation, occupying a cardinal house. Each of these nonluminaries forms the yoga singly, and each of them has a separate name and effect. Ruchaka yoga is formed by such a placement of Mars, Bhadra by Mercury, Hamsa by Jupiter, Malavya by Venus, and Sasa Yoga by Saturn.
This means exchange of mutual houses. Any two lords may exchange their houses. Of them when the lord of 9th, this can confer very good results. If the lords of 5 and 10 exchange or 7 and 10 exchange or 5 and 9 exchange very good results can be seen. Even when the lord of 10 is in 9 or 9 th in 10th this yoga is formed partially. Even in cases where the lord of 10th hag aspect of the lord of 5 or 9 this yoga can form to an extent.
Ruchaka Yoga: Strong physique, well versed in ancient love, conforms to tradition and customs, and becomes famous. Such an individual also becomes wealthy, lives for long, and leads a group of men or an army.
Bhadra Yoga: Strong physique with a lion-like face. The individual is helpful to relatives and attains a high intellectual eminence.
Hamsa Yoga: A righteous person, graceful in appearance, considerate, devoted to gods and higher life, and ritualistic in religious observances.
Malavya Yoga: Essentially a family person, preoccupied with domestic responsibilities and surrounded by children and grandchildren. He possesses personal vehicle, residential house, and other necessities of life.
Sasa Yoga: Sensuous, occultist, leader of non-traditional and anti-social elements. Fearless and capable of performing arduous deeds.
Malefic planets flanking any house or a planet. It destroys the auspicious nature of the same and imparts malefic influence. The house or the planet thus afflicted does not prosper.
A planetary combination related with the position of the Ascendant lord. If the lord of the sign where the Ascendant lord is situated, or if the lord of the navamsa where the lord of the sign in which the Ascendant lord is situated is placed in a cardinal or trine house, Parijata Yoga is formed. It makes the person born under it a sovereign, destined to be happy during the middle or the later part of his life. Such a person is respected by other kings. He is fond of wars, possesses immense wealth, is mindful of his duties towards the state, and is compassionate in disposition.
Planetary combination for asceticism. Some important ascetic yogas are as follows:
(1) Four or more planets in strength occupying a single house with Raja Yoga present in the horoscope (2) The lord of Moon sign with no aspect on itself, aspects Saturn or Saturn aspects the lord of the sign occupied by Moon which is also weak (3) Moon occupies drekkana of Saturn and is expected by it. Such an individual renounces the world and mundane relationships (4) Moon occupies the navamsa of Saturn or Mars, and is expected by Saturn. Such a person is disenchanted with mundane existence and leads the life of a recluse (5) Jupiter, Moon and the Ascendant expected by Saturn, and Jupiter occupying the 9th house in the horoscope make a person born in Raja Yoga a holy and illustrious founder of a system of philosophy (6) Saturn unaccepted by a planet occupies the 9th House and there is Raja Yoga in the horoscope. The combination will make the individual enter a, holy order and become a lord of men.
Planetary combinations of this name are of two kinds. First, benefics in a cardinal house from Ascendant, and 6th and 8th houses either posited by benefics or vacant. Second, the Ascendant lord and the 12th house lord both in cardinal houses from each other, and expected by friendly planets. Persons born under these combinations are very fortunate, fond of learning different subjects, charitable and considerate. They become political or social leaders. They, however, have a great attraction for women.
Individuals born under it earn much money and are very skilled, and respected.
Planetary combinations leading to servitude formed
(1) when Sun is in the 10th house, Moon is in the 7th, Saturn in the 4th, Mars in the 3rd and the Ascendant is in a cardinal sign while Jupiter is placed in the 2nd house. Persons born under this combination during night will be a servant of another person (2) If Venus occupies the 9th house, Moon the 7th house, Mars the 8th, and Jupiter owns the 2nd house or the Ascendant while the Ascendant is in a fixed sign. The person born in this combination lives always in servitude (3) When a person is born during nighttime and has the lord of the movable rising sign in Sandhi and a malefic planet occupies a cardinal house (4) Jupiter attains Iravathamsa and occupies a Sandhi, and Moon is not situated in a cardinal house but possesses Uttam-varga and Venus is in the rising sign and birth is in the night time during the dark half of a lunar month. The person is born as a menial (5) if at the time of birth of a person, Mars, Jupiter, and Sun occupy, respectively, the Sandhis of 6th, 4th, and 10th Bhavas, or (6) If Moon while occupying the Amsa (q.v.) of a malefic planet is in a Benefic sign, or (7) When Jupiter is in Capricorn occupying the 6th, 8th, or the 12th bhava, and Moon is in the 4th bhava from the rising sign, -the individual born will have to work at the biddings of others.
Planetary combinations which produce affluence, wealth, and royal status. Some important Rajya Yogas are listed below:
(1) Mutual relationship between Karakamsa and Ascendant.
(2) Ascendant, 2nd, and 4th houses associated with benefics and the 3rd house occupied by a malefic.
(3) The 2nd house occupied by any of the planets,Moon, Jupiter, Venus, or a strong Mercury occupying their own signs.
(4) Debilitated planets in 6th, 8th and 3rd houses, while the Ascendant lord occupies its own or its exaltation sign in Ascendant.
(5) Lord of the 10th house while occupying its own or its exaltation sign aspects the Ascendant.
(6) All the benefics occupy cardinal houses.
(7) Debilitated lords of the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses aspect the Ascendant.
(8) Any relationship between the lords of the 5th and 9th houses.
(9) The association of the lords of the 5th, 10th, and 4th houses and Ascendant with the lord of the 9th house.
(10) Lord of the 5th house in association with the lord of the 9th house or with the Ascendant lord in the 1st, 4th, or the 10th house.
(11) Venus associated with Jupiter in the 9th house if it happens to be the sign of Sagittarius or Pisces, or with the lord of the 5th house.
(12) Moon in the 3rd or 11th house, and Venus placed. in the 7th house from it.
Many other benefic combinations such as Gaja Kesari Yoga, Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga and Lakshmi Yoga are also important Rajya Yogas.
An auspicious combination formed by Moon and Ascendant in Vargottama Navamsa, and four or more planets expecting them. It makes the individual head of a state or its equivalent.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in movable signs. The combination makes the individual born under it to settle in a foreign country. He is generally unjust and engages in illegal activities.
A planetary combination constituted by the lord of the 12th house in exaltation, and Venus posited in the 12th house and aspected by the lord of the 4th house. Persons born under it attain the status of head of state. They may find wealth buried under the earth.
A combination of planets formed by Sun in the 10th house and the lord of the 10th house in 3rd house along with Saturn. It makes the individual born with this combination a Scientist who attains a powerful status in administration. He eats very little, is much occupied with his studies, and is greatly respected.
A planetary combination leading to poverty. It arises when a weak lord of Ascendant is aspected by the lord of the 8th house, and Jupiter is combust by Sun. Alternatively, if the lord of Navamsa occupied by the lord of the 4th house is obscured by Sun while Sun itself is aspected by the lord of the 12th house.
An inauspicious planetary combination described variously in classical texts. It is formed by all the planets in the 1st and 7th houses which make the individual accept low professions. It also occurs when Jupiter occupies the 6th or 8th position from Moon posited in a house other than the cardinal houses in relation with the Ascendant. It brings poverty even to those born in a royal family. Such a person is troubled throughout his life and is disliked by the head of the state. Moon in the 12th, 8th or 6th house from Jupiter causes Sakata Yoga unless Moon is situated in a cardinal house. A person with this combination loses his wealth or position in life, but regains them. Sakata Yoga produces cyclic fluctuation in fortune, just like the wheel of a chariot, rotating on its axis.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the Navamsa sign of the lord of the 9th house, along with Jupiter in the 2nd house. It makes the individual a top-ranking administrative officer living in luxury.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in even houses such as the 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc., while odd houses, such as the 1st, 3rd, etc., are vacant. It bestows much renown on the individual and he is provided with all conveniences of life.
Depending upon the number of signs occupied by the seven planets Sankhya Yoga is formed. The different combinations formed by the number of houses occupied are given different names,(a) Vina Yoga (seven signs occupied); (b) Dama Yoga (six signs occupied); (c) Pasha Yoga (five signs occupied); (d) Kedar Yoga (four signs occupied); (e) Shula Yoga (three signs occupied); (f) Yuga Yoga (two signs occupied); and (g) Gola Yoga (one sign occupied). These combinations produce results when any other yoga formed by such combinations like Chap Yoga, Kshetri Yoga, Nav Yoga, etc. do not occur.
One of the Panch Maha Purusha Yogas. It is produced by a strong Saturn occupying a cardinal house while occupying its own or its exaltation sign. It makes the individual command many retinues. His libidinous proclivity is unbridled. He commands over a region. He is psychologically at a point where a radical transformation in his attitude is imminent; disenchantment with sex life could lead him towards spirituality. He may turn out to be a desire- less philanthropist.
A planetary combination formed by all planets situated in the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th houses. It makes the individual lazy and devoid of wealth and happiness but he acquires great skill in arguing for criminal litigants.
A planetary combination formed in 2 ways,(i) the lords of the 5th and 6th houses in cardinal houses from one another, while the Ascendant is strong, and (ii) the lords of the ascendant and the 10th house placed in movable signs while the lord of the 9th house is strong. These combinations make the individual born under them, well versed in scriptures, a man of principles and ethics, and engaged in laudable activities. Such individuals have a long life.
A planetary combination formed by the placement of all planets in the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th houses. It makes the individual born under it cruel and related with prisons.
A planetary combination formed in two ways, (i) the lord of the 10th house posited in the 5th house, Mercury placed in a cardinal house, and Sun either in its own sign or in a very strong position, and (ii) Jupiter situated in a trine house from Moon, and Mars in a trine house from Mercury. Under these combinations, an individual becomes well behaved, dutiful, God-fearing and is honored by the state.
A planetary combination constituted by Venus, Jupiter and Mercury, provided Mercury is not associated with any malefic, in Upachaya house from Ascendant or with Moon. It produces possibilities for the individual to become a billionaire.
Planet in 12th to Sun this yoga is formed, Nmae and fame are indicated
A planet other than Moon occupying the 2nd house from Sun sign produces Vesi Yoga; a similar occupation in the 12th house leads to Vasi Yoga. When Sun sign is flanked by planets other than Moon on both sides, it produces Obhayachari Yoga. Persons born under Vesi Yoga are truthful, lazy, unbiased and rich. Vasi Yoga produces individuals skilled in many arts; they are charitable, strong, learned, renowned and glorious.
A planetary combination formed by Mars either exalted or placed in the 10th house, exalted Sun in the 2nd house, and Moon along with Jupiter in the 9th house. It enables the individual born under the combination to get an adorable wife and lead a happy personal life. He will be rich and will occupy a high status in life.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of 11th house in exaltation along with Venus occupying a cardinal house in relation with the house occupied by the Ascendant lord. It makes the individual charitable, affluent, and enables him to occupy a high status in life.
A combination formed by the lords of the 9th and 10th houses as well as the lord of the Navamsa sign lord of the 9th posited in the 2nd house. It makes the individual favored in an important way by the state. By nature, he is patient, is erudite, skilled in debating and is an engaging conversationalist. He becomes rich and lives for long.
A planetary combination formed by all malefic in 1st and 7th houses and all benefics in 4th and 10th houses. It makes the individual courageous and his mid-span of life is very happy.
A planetary combination formed by the lord of the 4th in 9th along with some benefic and Jupiter expecting it. A person born under this combination receives valuable gifts from the state and from persons in authority, and leads a happy and affluent life.
A planetary combination formed by all planets in Ascendant, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th houses. It makes the individual religious, charitable, generous, and he performs many important rites.
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