Friday, October 21, 2011

Number 6

The number six is ruled by Venus and also has an influence on anyone born on the 6th, 15th and 24th of the month. I have noticed that people born under number 6 are invariably very attractive. Venus rules the sensual, artistic and the beautiful, so people born under this number are usually attracted to all that is creative and artistic. I have seen most scientifically oriented number 6 people also dabbling in creative arts and having a great appreciation of the arts. They often write and draw very well and may be gifted in some artistic pursuit.

Number 6 is considered by some to be the luckiest of all the numbers and people born on the 24th of the month are luckier than those born on the 6th and the 15th.

Number 6 people like harmony and have a lot of determination. The forgive others, but tend not to forget the hurts inflicted on them. Once you lose their friendship, you lose it for good even though they will remain polite. They enjoy creative pursuits and support such ventures. They love to entertain but don’t like possessiveness and jealousy. They are slow to anger but when they do explode they do not tolerate any opposition and will fight till the end for what they believe in. Usually they put in a lot of thought in anything they do and once they make up their mind, it’s pretty hard to persuade them to change it.

They make good confidants and often find themselves being told personal stuff because of their calm nature, even when they don’t invite it. They like things around them to be clean and orderly, are family oriented. Number 6 people attract many members of the opposite sex naturally because of their charm and magnetic personality. They make great friends and also remain attached to family.

They usually gain from foreigners and strokes of sudden good fortune.

Number six people should take the slow and steady approach to anything be it personal or professional life-they will do their best then. Avoid drinks and other intoxicants, and getting into unnecessary arguments, as number 6 tends to be more deeply affected by stress.
Number six people will benefit immensely from pranayama, walks in fresh air and a lot of natural foods.

Number 6 people are prone to infections in the upper respiratory area. Number 6 women tend to have a problem during childbirth and irregular blood circulation. Number 6 people should eat all kinds of beans, spinach, mint, melons, pomegranates, apples, walnuts, almonds and fresh juices.

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